
One Court Supreme, Please. Hold The Tomatoes.

The Supreme Court of Canada just ruled that obese people can get two seats for the price of one on flights within Canada. That is the most ridiculous thing I have heard since I read my last post. It got me thinking: what is coming down the pike for our friendly took-wearing compadres up north? I have some ideas that I have faxed to the Canadian Supreme Court. Maybe some of them will stick.

Their 4 cents worth for schizophreniacs
Carbon offset credits for the overly flatulent
Free cell phones and unlimited texts for the gossipy
A second appointment/date for the flaky
A self back-scratcher for the arrogant
A double cheeseburger for the price of a cheeseburger for the gluttonous
A copy machine and personal genie for the envious
An extra day for the procrastinator

This is just a sample of the ideas I submitted. I think I can help make big improvements to Canadian law. I am very excited.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how about mandatory use of cue cards for the dumb. (like the canadian lawmakers)