
Nice One Pops

Is there any wonder why I am a Spurs fan? Everyone criticizes them for being boring and too serious. Come on. This is pretty funny.

Enjoy the NBA season everyone. Hack a Shaq started 5 seconds into the first game of the new season. It should be a good one.


Chanson du Jour

Here is a great tune from a great singer/songwriter that plays over 20 instruments on his albums.

Beck - Where It's At

I like the Leisure Suit Larry meets Captain Hook outfit that he sports half way through. And all stake dance DJs should take note. Use a Beck song for a line dance and maybe more people will participate. No more of this Any Man of Mine/Shania Twain business.

More Political Music

This is funny too.

McCain/Palin '08!!!!!!!


This is great.

Whoever made this video has way too much time on his hands. But, it is pretty stinkin' hilarious.

Obama/Biden '08!!!!!!


Chanson du Jour

Is there any doubt that Spoon is one of the greatest bands out there today? I think not. Here is The Underdog from their latest album Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga.

This Austin, TX band is pretty awesome. I was only hoping the three amigos playing the trumpets would break into My Little Buttercup. But, other than that, the video was pretty solid.

And Bryan Was His Name-O

Here is the funniest comedian named Bryan Regan on the circuit today. Good bit, good delivery, good times.

True Story

When Cami heard this she said "Hey, it's your anthem" in an overly excited voice. I don't know if I am offended or honored. How do you think Donny Osmond felt when he was asked to do this performance?

Tonight We're Gonna Party Like It's 1969

Cami had a marketing meeting with a Google rep the other day and he gave her a Google lava lamp. This has taken us way back to our younger days when times were much simpler and movies were much cheaper.

Watching the wax heat up, float to the top, cool off, sink to the bottom and repeat again reminds us of 1969 and the times we had like...

1) Woodstock - oh the times we had. Love that Jimi Hendrix Experience
2) Apollo 11 - One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind
3) Non-Proliferation Agreement - what happened to that agreement Vladimir?
4) The First 747 flight - still never been on a 747 so I don't care about this
5) War Between Honduras and El Salvador - because of a soccer game? Really?
6) Okinawa was returned to the Japanese from America - "Don't touch my mustache" Premier Sato

This trip down memory lane has been very therapeutic for Cami and me. Hopefully 2009 will be as good to us as 1969 was.


My New Hobby

Now that work has slowed down a bit, I am looking for a new hobby. I have found one: free running. For any of you who have seen the last Bond movie Casino Royale, you remember the chase where Bond is chasing the African guy through Madagascar. The guy who played that role is Sebastien Foucan, the co-founder of free running.

Here is video footage of the other co-founder David Belle demonstrating what free running is all about. Wikipedia says "Free running is a physical art, in which participants (free runners) use the urban and rural areas to perform movements through its structures focused on freedom and beauty." I think you will agree.

In other words, the guy doing all those crazy things in the Bond movie chase is not using CGI or trick photography. He is for real.

Does anyone think that my paralyzing fear of heights and public places will pose a problem as I pursue free running as a hobby?

Chanson du Jour

I liked this song, even before I found out that the band, Coconut Records, was fronted by Jason Schwartzman. If you do not know him, he is the genius that plays Max Fischer in Rushmore.

Exciting News

We found out the gender of the baby today. Now all we need to do is find the perfect name. So, we are asking for a little help from blogoland.

We are thinking...


Any ideas?


We'll Leave It To A Vote

We have had a reader indicate that this is the best music video. I don't know. My vote is still with Fatboy Slim.

And by the way Stacy, I can do the dancing in this video as well. I am very versatile.


Chanson du Jour

Let's play Jeopardy.

The clue is: This song has the greatest music video of all time.

The question is: What is Fatboy Slim's Praise You?

Just ignore the dumb Toxic Blast thing at the end. That is the youtube user that posted the video.

And yes, this is the OFFICIAL video for the song. This is not a joke...kind of.

That lead guy kind of dances like me. Maybe that is why I like the video so much. Could you imagine being in line at the theater (or is it theatre?) and seeing that? Hilarious!


My Burden

I feel like there is a great weight on my shoulders.

Inside Joke

Here is one for all of you who know Cami. You can only imagine how her child will be. This conversation will most definitely go down as soon as the child can talk.

I have a question
A father and son went fishing one day. While they were out in the boat, the boy suddenly became curious about the world around him. He asked his father, "How does this boat float?

The father replied, "Don't rightly know son." A little later, the boy looked at his father and asked, "How do fish breath underwater?"

Once again the father replied, "Don't rightly know son." A little later the boy asked his father, "Why is the sky blue?"

Again, the father repied. "Don't rightly know son." Finally, the boy asked his father, "Dad, do you mind my asking you all of these questions?"

The father replied, "Of course not, you don't ask questions, you never learn nothin'."

One More

For good measure

Island In The Sun

I Don't Know

I think this guy is going to be the next star of the Utah Jazz. Didn't his dad teach him to "Always use the backboard"?

He must be a soccer player!

And It Sounded Sooooo Good

Cami sent this to me. Is she trying to tell me something?

The Worst Drink in America

Baskin-Robbins Large Heath Bar Shake

2,310 calories
108 g fat (64 g saturated)
266 g

Let's look at America's Worst Drink in numbers:

73: The number of ingredients that go into this milkshake.
66: The number of teaspoons of sugar this drink contains.
11: The number of Heath Bars you would have to eat to equal the number of calories found in one Baskin Robbins Large Heath Bar Shake.
12: The average number of minutes it takes to consume this drink.
240: The number of minutes you'd need to spend on a treadmill, running at a moderate pace, to burn it off.

Chanson du Jour

In light of our recent event viewing at Grand Prairie's Nokia Theater, here are two classic Weezer songs.

Buddy Holly

Pork and Beans

Ain't No Icecapades

Cami and I went to go see The Weezers in concert on Tues. It was magical, to say the least. Angels and Airheads opened for them, which I could have done without (sorry all you emo people), but The Weezers themselves were greatness.

After long discussions with my dad, we have come to the conclusion that The Weez is the best band in the world, ever. And probably the best band on any planet, at any time. The Eagles are a distant 225,453 best.

The highlight of the show was the accordion solo on Beverly Hills. Or was it Rivers riding around the crowd on some dudes shoulders playing the guitar solo on El Scorcho? Well, whatever it was, it was worth the $200,100 ticket price of admission. Hey, you gotta pay to see the best band ever in the world or other worlds, ever.



Who says refs don't decide games? Check out this guy.

The SEC rules! Dad, do you think the SEC refs could outplay the refs from the other conferences?

Travis, Meet Demetri. Demetri, Travis

What do you get when you mix a funny comedian with a great tune. Greatness. Kerry (my legal brother) introduced me to Travis (the band) a while ago and they have been a favorite ever since. Here is comedian Demetri Martin interpreting the song.

Physics For Phill

We will work on a kinematics problem today. Yes, Claudia, we are going to be ignoring air resistance (I only took two beginner level physics courses, take it easy on me). I apologize Megan for making the last problem too easy, I will try and pick more challenging ones. And Jared, about being .1 N off. "Almost" only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, both of which involve physics, so I think you are ok here. And Jenny, Physics is NOT boring, so I will continue to post physics problems.


An airplane accelerates down a runway at 3.20 m/s2 for 32.8 s until is finally lifts off the ground. Determine the distance traveled before takeoff.


Let's start with our givens. We are given that acceleration (a) is 3.2m/s2 and time (t) is 32.8s. Also, implied in the problem is our initial velocity (vi) which is 0m/s because the plane is initially at rest. We need to solve for distance (d).

Now, we plug and chug.

Using the equation d=vi*t+.5*a*t^2, we can easily solve this problem


Nicely done folks.

Chanson du Jour

This is a band that is gaining popularity. They are from Brooklyn and they call themselves MGMT. Don't ask me.

I was asked to be in this video, but because I had bathed in the Oughts I was ineligible. See if you can recognize something from my childhood in this video.

MGMT - Electric Feel

In case you missed it, this song is about a woman from the Amazon that can shock people with electricity. Dude, don't look at me like that! I just like it! Get off my back!


New Beginnings For Kevin

Cami and I work with the youth in our church. Part of our responsibilities lately has included preparing for a road show that the youth will be doing in mid November. Because we are short on teenage boys, I have been asked to participate in the program as a singer/dancer.

This has led me to the same realization that Dr. Tobias Funke (Arrested Development) and Dr. Allan Pearl (Waiting for Guffman) had. Medicine is not for me. I was born to entertain! I have caught the acting bug. I was just lucky enough to realize my true calling before I wasted all that time and money on extra schooling. Let me tell you how I came to this realization:

1) I have an uncanny ability to quickly memorize and master difficult choreography
2) Memorizing lines and songs? No problem.
3) I really don't mind makeup. But only for stage purposes, of course.
4) I too enjoy the Blue Man Group (like Dr. Funke)
5) I too sat next to the class clown and studied him to learn how to be funny (Dr. Pearl)
6) Jazz hands
7) Jazz music
8) Jazz stink! (that is for you Phill)
9) I can sing and dance at the same time
10) I look good on camera

I could go on, but you get the idea. So, no more med school for me. I am off to Hollytown to become a famous actor (said with a British accent, please - with the emphasis on "tor").

My idols...

Dr. Allan Pearl

Dr. Tobias Funke

Chanson du Jour

Cami's cousin has a little girl who has taken a liking to the song Purple People Eater. So, here is the video for Sophie's enjoyment.

Is it coincidental that Sophie was witness yesterday to a Purple Cougar Eater??


Cami and I went to the BYU TCU game last night...What did you say?...Really?...It was that bad?...They only scored how many times?...Once?...So, maybe I shouldn't write about it on our blog?...Ok. Nevermind.


Chanson du Jour

I often get asked, because my taste in music is uncommon, what bands I like. On the top of that list is always Pavement. After I respond that way, Cami makes fun of me and the person admits they have never heard of "my favorite band". So, I will introduce you to Pavement.

Wikipedia says (so you know it has to be true):
"Pavement was an American indie rock band in the 1990s. Although they experienced only moderate commercial success, they achieved a significant cult following, and their music has been a major influence on many bands of the late 1990s and beyond.

Hailed by some as the quintessential American indie band, they are often considered one of the first American modern rock bands to achieve a degree of success without the support of a major label".

This is by no means their best song (or their best video), but it is slightly catchy.

I hope you liked the video, especially when Bob Nastanovich tries to drink the barbicide.

Ad Nauseam

In case there is anyone of the 2.5 readers of this blog that believe this is not the craziest Presidential campaign of the year...check this out.

An Obama ad. No big deal, right? But a closer look reveals that the billboard you are looking at is in a video game. That is correct. The XBOX 360 game Burnout Paradise features a billboard with an Obama ad in it. Very thorough.


21st Century Comedy

The other day I was reading (I know, a shocker) about a website that is taking a new, comedic take on a classic comedy. This guy has taken old, classic Garfield comic strips and taken Garfield out of them. No Garfield and none of his "comments". The concept is explained on the website: "in order to reveal the existential angst of a certain young Mr. Jon Arbuckle. It is a journey deep into the mind of an isolated young everyman as he fights a losing battle against loneliness and depression in a quiet American suburb"

Even more interesting is the fact that he has Jim Davis' (the creator of Garfield) permission and help to do this. Check out Garfield Minus Garfield
Pretty funny.


Chanson du Jour

Two words: Greatness. This is The Strokes' first hit in the US, Last Nite. Enjoy.

The Strokes - Last Nite

Does anyone else think lead singer Julian Casablancas looks like Nigel (Christopher Guest) from Spinal Tap? Just a thought.

That's It! I Am Moving to Detroit

I am going to try out for the Lions QB position. Kitna has proven himself inept, and I just don't know what to say for this fine move by Dan Orlovsky. This happened yesterday. It may seem insignificant, but let us not forget two things:

1) It's a really bonehead thing to do
2) The Lions lost by 2 (which is how many points the Vikes earned on this play)



Are Neccos That Great???

Do you know the Necco candy? Cami loves the Necco, as does my father. They are gross, chalky wafers that are supposed to have flavors. Well, Cami saw them at Wal-Town the other day and attacked the bags of Neccos like a one-year old attacking his first birthday cake. It was funny.

Needless to say, she has been enjoying the mouth-drying treats ever since. Good eye spy Cami!

Double Buble

The Jensens went to the Michael Buble concert last night in Ft. Worth(less). It was a great show. The best part was the two guys in front of us that...ummmm...live an alternative lifestyle. They went absolutely nuts when The Michael Buble started singing "YMCA".

Here are Buddy and Molly enjoying Buble sing "Fever"


Who Knew Gumby Had A Sister?

This video was sent by Tampa Mom (aka Kevin's mom). Thanks for the idea mom.

I have devoted the last 3.5 years of my life to be able to do this. The "hot yoga" classes will pay off some day I am sure. But, for now, I will have to concede that I am not the most flexible person in the world.

Crazy Flexible Chick


Now You Know, And Knowing Is Half The Battle

Cami's uncle, when he was younger, worked in a meat locker and has shared some wonderful information with us. We will pass it on to you.

However, if you want to know the nitty gritty details about milking a cow, you will have to ask Uncle Mack himself. We are trying to keep the blog G-Rated!

For a better view, or to get your very own copy of the pork and beef cuts, go to this website

Chanson du Jour

This is a group called The Morning Benders. The cd was like $5 on Itunes, so I picked it up. Pretty solid.


When Will The Eyepatch Come Back??

For Once, I Am Speechless...

Let me be clear (thanks Obama for that line). This IS NOT the Chanson du Jour.

Political Joke (The only thing to keep me from crying)

There are a lot of folks that can't understand how we ran out of oil here in the USA.

Well, here's the answer: It's simple. Nobody bothered to check the oil.We didn't know we were getting low. And of course the reason for that is geographical.

All the oil is in Alaska, Texas, and Oklahoma, and all the dipsticks are in Washington, D.C.


See Y'all Later

Well, I am going away for a while. I will live the rest of my days on an island in the Caribbean. Med School? Don't need it. Check out this email that I just got. This rich "philanthropist" died in 2004 and even though he was a foreigner, he regards this as his home and I am his people. He is giving me lots of money that he made as a "major share holder in big companies".

With the specifics detailed in this email, it cannot be a scam. Hold on while I look up my banking info to send to his estate. Thanks Charles Lambert!!!

Chanson du Jour

A happy song, and a happy video. Dad, this should make up for the last song of the day.

The band is The Bees (or A Band of Bees) and the song is Who Cares What the Question Is? Enjoy.

Bentley Green

This almost makes me want to be a Mavs fan. But, not quite. I am getting pretty excited for basketball season (despite hearing the news that Ginobili will be out for the first two months).

I couldn't put the video on the blog because it is too great, but you can follow this link. It will definitely be worth it for those of you who don't know who Bentley Green is (he's 6 years old). While you are at Youtube, check out his performance on the Ellen show. I hope my kid is this money.


Medical Terminology

In case you were not aware, I have submitted my application to medical school for entry in 2009 (no, I have not heard from any of the schools yet). So, in light of that, we will periodically be posting the terms and definitions of some of my favorite medical conditions.

Today, we will start with some common things we see in the ER. You may or may not know, but I volunteer once a week in a local ER. While I cannot share any of the experiences I have while there (thanks to HIPAA established in 1996. For more details on HIPAA, follow this link http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/privacysummary.pdf), I can share some common things we see, with their definitions.

Everyone knows what chest pain, abdominal pain, shortness of breath, etc. mean. But do you know these?

Dysuria - difficult or painful urination
Edema - accumulation of serous fluid in tissue spaces or in body cavity
Abscess - a localized collection of pus in the tissues often caused by bacteria
Emesis - the act of vomiting
ETOH - you chemistry people know this is short for ethanol, which means you are drunk
POPTA - passed out prior to arrival (never a good thing)

I hope you gained an appreciation for our ER doctors, nurses, and techs that deal with this one 12-hour shift at a time. Enjoy your meal!


Chanson du Jour

Here is a great tune by one of the greatest bands ever, Radiohead. This is a band I have liked for quite a while and am very fortunate to have a father who likes the band just as much as I do (isn't that right, dad?).



We got this list of questions off the Francom's blog (our fabulous friends). We haven't gotten too personal on this blog, so this is a chance to get to know us better.

What is your occupation right now?
Gopher for Newport Homebuilders, student-to-be, attendant husband to pregnant wife

What color socks are you wearing right now?
White, like everyday

What are you listening to right now?
Church music

What was the last thing that you ate?

Can you drive a stick shift?
Why, are you offering? Who can't?

Last person you spoke to on the phone?

How old are you today?
Over 1/4 of a century (27 years, 5 months, 28 days)

What is your favorite sport to watch on TV?
Golf, football (NFL)

What is your favorite drink?
Coke (Sorry dad)

Have you ever dyed your hair?
No, but I have waxed my eyebrows. Which is lamer?

Favorite food?
The food I am eating at the moment - Mexican preferrably

What is the last movie you watched?
The greatness of This is Spinal Tap

Favorite day of the year?

How do you vent anger?
Uncomfortable silence

What was your favorite toy as a child?
Wasn't allowed such frivolities - but I loved my friend's Optimus Prime action figure

What is your favorite season?

Cherries or Blueberries?

Living arrangements?
House in Plano, TX with my beautiful wife and hyper dog

When was the last time you cried?
When Titanic ended. That really caught me off guard

What is on the floor of your closet?
Whatever it is, it belongs to my wife

What did you do last night?
Watched Spinal Tap after looking for my wife's wallet

What are you most afraid of?
Little People (I had one charge me at Wal-Mart)

Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers?
Yes, please

Favorite dog breed?
Molly (I don't like dogs too much, but we have a good one.)

Favorite day of the week?

How many states have you lived in?
6, why?

What is your favorite flower?
White, because you can make good cookies with it


What is your occupation right now?
Director of Marketing for Newport Homebuilders, wife extraordinaire, mommy-to-be

What color socks are you wearing right now?
Not wearing socks, they are too hot

What are you listening to right now?
How Great Thou Art beautifully sung by my cousin, Connie Nelson

What was the last thing that you ate?
Chicken Soft Tacos

Can you drive a stick shift?
Sort of

Last person you spoke to on the phone?
My Dad

How old are you today?

What is your favorite sport to watch on TV?
Basketball (NBA not college)

What is your favorite drink?

Have you ever dyed your hair?

Favorite food?
Italian...and Japanese, Mexican, Chinese and anything but Indian (I had a bad experience)

What is the last movie you watched?
Father of the Bride, Part II

Favorite day of the year?
November 25th

How do you vent anger?
Drive really fast with the music really loud or talk to my sweet, empathetic husband, Kevin Scott Jensen

What was your favorite toy as a child?
Fisher Price Main Street and my Crayola crayons

What is your favorite season?

Cherries or Blueberries?

Living arrangements?
With my sweet, empathetic husband Kevin Scott Jensen and my puppy Molly the Great

When was the last time you cried?
Today, this morning

What is on the floor of your closet?
Nothing actually. Isn't that surprising?

What did you do last night?
Worked on a scrapbook, searched for and found lost wallet, ate Sonic dessert

What are you most afraid of?
Spiders, being left alone, and most other bugs

Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers?

Favorite dog breed?
Mutt, like my Molly (and I also like Beagles)

Favorite day of the week?
Saturday cause it's the day we get ready for Sunday

How many states have you lived in?
3 (Arizona, Utah, Texas the Lone Star best state ever)

What is your favorite flower?
Rose, trite but beautiful


Strange Happenings

A few months ago, Cami got the new Whirlpool Duet washer and dryer. Great machines, but they have a flaw. They are shrinking the waistbands on my pants. Strange.

Could It Be Him?

Cami and I were out in Dallas last night and we saw this guy who looked just like Bill Laimbeer

No, more like Bill Laimbeer before he went soft.

That's more like it. I am pretty sure it was him, but he wasn't sporting those awesome shorts. Sweet story huh?


Chanson du Jour

I love Belle and Sebastian (or do I use the ampersand?), those crazy Scots. Here is one of their more catchy tunes for those of you not so into obscure music (which is usually better than that radio stuff).

I think my favorite guy is the rocket launcher guy. Or is it the dude fishing? Anyway, enjoy the song.

How Do They Succeed?

For the second installment of this segment, we turn to our favorite lefties, Michael Moore and Keith Olbermann. Few people on this earth are crazier than these two gents. This is shocking video.

PS - I know, sorry about having two political posts in a row. We will get back to normal, I promise.

The Blame Game

This is classic video right here. I think Bill O was off his meds last night. He explodes on Barney Frank.

I love the disinterest that Barney Frank shows in the interview by reading that piece of paper at the beginning. Maybe Bill O should have shared some of his Red Bull with Rep. Frank.


Physics For Phill

Since Kevin and his friend Phill have such a great appreciation for Physics, we will regularly do physics problems on the blog for the rest of you who are physics junkies. We will start with a very basic problem (since I am by no means great at physics, they will all be easy problems). This problem has to do with vectors and utilizes very simple trigonometry. It is also very applicable to my life.

A man pulls on his dog with a force of 70.0 N directed at an angle of +30.0 degrees to the horizontal. Find the x and y components of this force.

Let's call the horizonal component x and the vertical component y. We know that the hypotenuse is 70 N and that the angle is 30 degrees. Using SOHCAHTOA, we know we can find the x component by doing 70*cos30 and the y component by doing 70*sin30.

Doing that we get x=60.6N and y=35.5N