
Medical Terminology

In case you were not aware, I have submitted my application to medical school for entry in 2009 (no, I have not heard from any of the schools yet). So, in light of that, we will periodically be posting the terms and definitions of some of my favorite medical conditions.

Today, we will start with some common things we see in the ER. You may or may not know, but I volunteer once a week in a local ER. While I cannot share any of the experiences I have while there (thanks to HIPAA established in 1996. For more details on HIPAA, follow this link http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/privacysummary.pdf), I can share some common things we see, with their definitions.

Everyone knows what chest pain, abdominal pain, shortness of breath, etc. mean. But do you know these?

Dysuria - difficult or painful urination
Edema - accumulation of serous fluid in tissue spaces or in body cavity
Abscess - a localized collection of pus in the tissues often caused by bacteria
Emesis - the act of vomiting
ETOH - you chemistry people know this is short for ethanol, which means you are drunk
POPTA - passed out prior to arrival (never a good thing)

I hope you gained an appreciation for our ER doctors, nurses, and techs that deal with this one 12-hour shift at a time. Enjoy your meal!

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