
Ain't No Icecapades

Cami and I went to go see The Weezers in concert on Tues. It was magical, to say the least. Angels and Airheads opened for them, which I could have done without (sorry all you emo people), but The Weezers themselves were greatness.

After long discussions with my dad, we have come to the conclusion that The Weez is the best band in the world, ever. And probably the best band on any planet, at any time. The Eagles are a distant 225,453 best.

The highlight of the show was the accordion solo on Beverly Hills. Or was it Rivers riding around the crowd on some dudes shoulders playing the guitar solo on El Scorcho? Well, whatever it was, it was worth the $200,100 ticket price of admission. Hey, you gotta pay to see the best band ever in the world or other worlds, ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I could have been right there with you rocking out with the Weezers?!@ Actually I do like a lot of their stuff and the two videos you have on your blog are solidly good. And Please...in the discussion for greatest band of all time, let us not forget The Vandals.