
Chanson du Jour

This one is a blatant attempt to appease Anonymous. I know for a fact that he/she does not like The Killers. We will give him one more shot to hop on that bandwagon. They covered a song by a band that I know Anonymous likes (at least some of their songs). So, here is The Killers doing a version of Dire Straits' Romeo And Juliet.


Chanson du Jour

The Absentee by Half Cousin


My Racist Dog

So, I needed a textbook for one of my classes (Cellular Physiology if you were wondering) and I decided to take the baby and the dog for a drive into downtown Dallas to go pick it up today (mom is at a work function). While down there (near UT Southwestern), we ran in to many bruthas and sistas on Harry Hines and other adjoining streets. Now, I love bruthas and sistas, but Molly felt the need to bark at all of them she saw. Why would she bark at them? I have no idea. She only barks at the yappy dog across the alley and the UPS man. Why now? Why here? AK and I were very confused at the erratic behavior of our dog. Yes, our BLACK dog. Go figure.

I guess the chart at the following link needs to be updated to include barking dogs.

Racist Chart


Chanson du Jour

There is joy in my heart today. Why? Because I did a good deed. And not just any good deed. A good deed for an underappreciated, underpaid, public servant. Cami and I were taking a late night jaunt up to Green Acres tonight to pick up the babe, when we saw a public servant sitting along the side of the road. This particular road, as with many of the roads up thar in them there boonies, has no street lights. So, it was dark, late, there were no other cars on the road, and there was no one for this public servant to talk to. So, I took it upon myself to spread some happiness to him and conversate for a while.

Well, sure enough he followed me, showed me his lights, and even came up to my car. I could tell that this was going to develop into a quick friendship. He was so eager to be my friend and he was so excited that someone was willing to talk to him. It really made me feel like all the effort I was going through was truly worth it. He got my name and address, license plate number, driver's license number, and my insurance information. I got his number and the number where I can reach an "honorable" man. What a nice guy he was.

But, he is turning out to be a kinda high maintenance friend. Right off the bat he asked me for money. I was not down with that. So, I don't know if I am going to call him. But, I dedicate today's song to my new sorta friend. But, whether this turns into a lasting, meaningful relationship or not, I can still feel good that I did a public service for a public servant. And that will help me sleep tonight (that and I have been up for over 19 hours). Good night, officer. Good night, y'all.

Dear Constable by Harrisons


How Much Is A Congressman's Pee Worth?

This is classic. We have all heard about the angry people, mainly geriatrics, at these town hall meetings. Well, the politicians are getting feisty. I enjoy watching this go down. While I disagree with liberals, I also think the hyperbole that is used on the right is a little silly as well. So, watching this is like watching the bearded lady argue with the midget that can lift 500 pounds. It isn't going to affect my life in any way, but it is just flat out entertaining to watch.

Here is an exchange between everyone's favorite bozo Barney Fthrfthrank. Now, let's get one thing straight. I disagree with everything this man stands for. But, he is funny and unabashedly so. I like this exchange. This lady seemed to be extreme, so he gave her an extreme answer.

Here is an exchange between Rep. Stark and a constituent. I won't say whether Stark is a Republican or a Democrat *cough*Democrat*cough*, but I thought the Constitution said that the Congress works for us, not against us. What have we come to?

But, the conversation has taken even an awesomer turn. Liberals are homing in on the word "racist" and are using it against anyone who disagrees with Obama. So, now, thanks to libs and their control over the news, conservatives hate the following groups (in no particular order):

1) Muslims
2) Gays
3) Minorities
4) Especially Immigrants
5) Non-Christians
6) Atheists
7) Liberals
8) Old people
9) Poor people
10) Anyone whose net worth is under $2.5 million
11) Anyone who does not work a white collar job
12) People in the inner city
13) Foreigners
14) Socialists
15) Anyone who does not completely agree with them
16) Women

I think that is a fairly good list. But, what the news won't tell you are the reasons that conservatives don't like these groups. I will tell you. That is why you read this blog. We want to ostracize all those groups and narrow the voting field down to 1% of the population (many of whom are registered Democrats - that being the rich white man of course) just to make elections more exciting. Conservatives have no interest in benefiting the above groups with any of their policies because they don't want their vote. They don't care. Just let us kill, torture, discriminate, and hold our hate rallies in peace please. Thank you.

Chanson du Jour

Not really a pick-me-up song today, but I like it nonetheless. I cannot tell if she loves prescription medicine or hates it. My guess is she hates it.

Dr. Blind by Emily Haines and The Soft Skeleton


A New Year

September 10, 2009 was a big day here in Dumb Blog Headquarters (DBH). It is true. Last Thursday we celebrated one year of wasting people's time. 527 posts, most of them songs that only I like. 6,780 visits, most of them me listening to said songs. 11,641 page views, mostly me defending those same songs after all the reader lambasted them. As you can see, it was a big day here in DBH. Now, we will give you a little update as to the goings on here at DBH, the changes, and a detailed description of how we celebrated turning one.

Over the past few months, management of the blog (1 head writer and 1 editor-in-chief) has taken on new responsibilities that have affected the quality of the product. For that we apologize. But, we are turning over a new leaf. We have a new company name, Saiaku Media (yep, I'm gonna make you Google "saiaku" - it will be the first thing that pops up), to help give us focus. We are trying to get adjusted into our new building, DBH, and are becoming accustomed to our new responsibilities. Now, that the dust is settling, we promise to return with more unreadable content, pointless time-wasting exercises (you are in the middle of one if you couldn't tell), unlistenable songs, spot-on political commentary, obvious observations, sports news, ridiculous videos, etc. That is the promise of the Saiaku Team.

Now, on to the good stuff. We had a big one-year celebration last Thursday that looked like a who's who of awesomeness. We were gonna have Kanye perform, but he hates white people, plus we were pretty sure Taylor Swift was gonna be coming (according to her RSVP) and we didn't want that awkwardness. So, that fell through. We then wanted to honor Michael Moore's new anti-capitalism movie by recanting the important moments of his filmography. After watching all 5 of his documentaries, we could not find one thing that made sense, had any part of truth, or that was worth showing to a human. So, that fell through. Then, we thought it would be fun to get The Eagles to perform at the event, but we couldn't track down their room number in the nursing home. So, that fell through.

You get the point. So, we just celebrated alone with a little cake action. Plus, if we would have had an elaborate party, Nancy Pelosi would have reprimanded us for spending our own money (she only likes spending other people's money) on an event when there are Americans that can't have such events, and we just don't want a genius like her to think poorly of us.

But from the Saiaku Media Team here at DBH we welcome you to one more year of blogging. Hope you enjoy. Here's to 365 more days.

Chanson du Jour

Well, test on Friday and big test on Monday means a few days off. My apologies. I am back with a new creation from the genius, Stuart Murdoch, that brought us Belle & Sebastian.

Come Monday Night by God Help The Girl


Chanson du Jour

We continue the week of songs I don't like with a rather recent band. With all the buzz and comparisons this band received, I thought I was going to have a new favorite on my hands. But, every single one of their songs is just absolutely unlistenable. If you are looking for a new method of causing your ears to bleed (i.e. if the old methods of listening to Keith Olbermann, Bill Maher, Chuck Norris, Obama, Cheney, Skip Balis, Jim Rome, or that annoying guy from PTI just aren't working anymore), please take a listen to this beating.

Please suffer through the rectal exam that is The Racing Rats by The Editors


Chanson du Jour

I have tried and tried and tried to like today's group, but I have yet to find a song of theirs I like. Let alone an entire album.

Please endure the flogging known as Phantom Limb by The Shins (although I do like this video - it reminds me of a school play written and directed by Wednesday and Pugsley Addams)


Chanson du Jour

This week we are going to have a little fun. I have noticed something strange about my musical taste (and it is something you may have noticed as well). I have noticed that it does not follow any predictable trend. Sometimes I like songs that one would think I shouldn't like and sometimes I don't like songs that one would think I should like. It is this latter group that we will talk about this week.

All us music lovers have had this happen to us. We learn about a new group/singer/song that is supposedly comparable to a group/singer/song that we really like. We get all excited. We go listen that that group/singer/song and something tragic happens. It stinks. We don't like it at all. It is nothing like the group/singer/song that we like. We have no idea where this comparison came from and we don't appreciate it. But, it seems that every article we read, every critique we read, and every other thing written about this new group/singer/song compares them to a genre of music that we like. But, for some odd reason, we just don't like it. It is unexplainable, but true.

This week, I will play for you some songs from that category for me. Songs that, by all accounts, I should like, but just can't get into. Enjoy.

Based on who they tour with, who their influences are, and who thinks they are an awesome band (The Strokes went on and on about how awesome this band is, and I love The Strokes), I should be a huge fan of the band Kings of Leon. But, I would rather watch Walker, Texas Ranger all day than listen to one of their songs. I can't explain it. It's just a fact.

Please don't enjoy Use Somebody by Kings of Leon.


Chanson du Jour

I hope you will all forgive me for taking a few days off. Enjoy blog post #523.

Polite Dance Song by The Bird and The Bee

If this isn't the greatest music video ever, I don't know what is.


Chanson du Jour

Well, the test didn't turn out as bad as I was hoping. I am through with my first class of medical school (despite my best efforts). On to the musculoskeletal system. I met my cadaver on Monday. She is a 90 year old who died of pancreatic cancer. Truly, I can't thank her enough for helping me with my education. Her and I will soon become good friends, as if we already hadn't. Well, anyway. Here is the song.

It's Because Of People Like You by Obi Best