
Chanson du Jour

I have tried and tried and tried to like today's group, but I have yet to find a song of theirs I like. Let alone an entire album.

Please endure the flogging known as Phantom Limb by The Shins (although I do like this video - it reminds me of a school play written and directed by Wednesday and Pugsley Addams)


Anonymous said...

what channel is that again for Walker, Texas Ranger?

the hadzic clan said...

true, it is a great video.

and can we stop the WTR comments already. i get enough hate mail from chuck on "obamacare" in my inbox and i don't need to be reminded about that talentless scmuck whose only redeeming quality is that he made a good split decision call in "dodgeball".

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

How on earth did you get on Chuck Norris' email list? It must have been all those conservative sites that you subscribe to. Hey, I signed up on WhiteHouse.gov to get emails from Axelrod. I always enjoy those. But, at this point, I would rather hear from Chuck Norris (heck, anyone for that matter) than Obama on Obamacare. I watched his gig last night and was just wishing there was a shock collar on that man that went off every time he lied. But, then again maybe not. He might not be alive today. No matter how bad he is, he is better than Biden, so we need him alive.