
How Much Is A Congressman's Pee Worth?

This is classic. We have all heard about the angry people, mainly geriatrics, at these town hall meetings. Well, the politicians are getting feisty. I enjoy watching this go down. While I disagree with liberals, I also think the hyperbole that is used on the right is a little silly as well. So, watching this is like watching the bearded lady argue with the midget that can lift 500 pounds. It isn't going to affect my life in any way, but it is just flat out entertaining to watch.

Here is an exchange between everyone's favorite bozo Barney Fthrfthrank. Now, let's get one thing straight. I disagree with everything this man stands for. But, he is funny and unabashedly so. I like this exchange. This lady seemed to be extreme, so he gave her an extreme answer.

Here is an exchange between Rep. Stark and a constituent. I won't say whether Stark is a Republican or a Democrat *cough*Democrat*cough*, but I thought the Constitution said that the Congress works for us, not against us. What have we come to?

But, the conversation has taken even an awesomer turn. Liberals are homing in on the word "racist" and are using it against anyone who disagrees with Obama. So, now, thanks to libs and their control over the news, conservatives hate the following groups (in no particular order):

1) Muslims
2) Gays
3) Minorities
4) Especially Immigrants
5) Non-Christians
6) Atheists
7) Liberals
8) Old people
9) Poor people
10) Anyone whose net worth is under $2.5 million
11) Anyone who does not work a white collar job
12) People in the inner city
13) Foreigners
14) Socialists
15) Anyone who does not completely agree with them
16) Women

I think that is a fairly good list. But, what the news won't tell you are the reasons that conservatives don't like these groups. I will tell you. That is why you read this blog. We want to ostracize all those groups and narrow the voting field down to 1% of the population (many of whom are registered Democrats - that being the rich white man of course) just to make elections more exciting. Conservatives have no interest in benefiting the above groups with any of their policies because they don't want their vote. They don't care. Just let us kill, torture, discriminate, and hold our hate rallies in peace please. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

First of all let me say how much we should all love old people. If I turn into that someday please euthanize me.

Second, the only group I really "hate" is politicians. Term limits please!!

the hadzic clan said...

so what you are trying to say is, liberals are wrong and conservatives are white? -oops, i mean right!