
New Beginnings For Kevin

Cami and I work with the youth in our church. Part of our responsibilities lately has included preparing for a road show that the youth will be doing in mid November. Because we are short on teenage boys, I have been asked to participate in the program as a singer/dancer.

This has led me to the same realization that Dr. Tobias Funke (Arrested Development) and Dr. Allan Pearl (Waiting for Guffman) had. Medicine is not for me. I was born to entertain! I have caught the acting bug. I was just lucky enough to realize my true calling before I wasted all that time and money on extra schooling. Let me tell you how I came to this realization:

1) I have an uncanny ability to quickly memorize and master difficult choreography
2) Memorizing lines and songs? No problem.
3) I really don't mind makeup. But only for stage purposes, of course.
4) I too enjoy the Blue Man Group (like Dr. Funke)
5) I too sat next to the class clown and studied him to learn how to be funny (Dr. Pearl)
6) Jazz hands
7) Jazz music
8) Jazz stink! (that is for you Phill)
9) I can sing and dance at the same time
10) I look good on camera

I could go on, but you get the idea. So, no more med school for me. I am off to Hollytown to become a famous actor (said with a British accent, please - with the emphasis on "tor").

My idols...

Dr. Allan Pearl

Dr. Tobias Funke


Chelsea said...

i support this. i think there were a few audition notices in the trACTORS magazine...

Anonymous said...

I can see it now.... Kevin, Cami and little Jensen all singing their little hearts out as part of the Dr. Jensen's 100% Natural Good-time family band solution, selling that fabulous product Teamocil.

Rennie said...

I think the family can deal with your new career choice just as long as you avoid becoming a "never nude".

The Tait Family said...

don't quit your day job buddy!! I would like you to post video of this new found talent and then I will make a judgement!