
8 Things Tag

Cami, has been tagged by her friend Bekah to do the 8 things tag. But, Cami is just not computer literate enough to blog. She is learning though. Right now, she is working on Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, HTML, web design, and creating marketing e-blasts that are sent to thousands of people. Maybe next week she will have the word processing thing down and then she will only be a few months away from blogging. So, with the blessing from Cami's friends, I will attempt to do the 8 things tag as if I were Cami. I think 4+ years of marriage qualifies me to do this.

8 TV Shows I Enjoy Watching:
1) The Office - Season 2 was the last good one
2) DWTS - greatest show ever
3) Mavs Basketball - but only if they win and never if they are playing the Spurs (that is bad for the marriage)
4) Arrested Development - on Hulu of course
5) How It's Made - for the perpetually curious
6) Whatever Kevin is watching - I usually have my eyes closed, but I am listening
7) Monday Night Football - especially when the Giants are playing. They are great
8) Did I mention DWTS?

8 Things That Happened Yesterday:
1) Ate a nice calcium-rich, high protein, high fiber breakfast (in case my Dr. is reading this)
2) Fed my dog
3) Fed my husband - he just shares a bowl with Molly
4) Got my work on - I will not bore you with the details
5) Had stimulating, intelligent midday conversation with my brilliant husband
6) Watched Meet the Robinsons - very wheels off but a cute movie
7) Went to mutual - delivered Thanksgiving baskets to the ward and went to Paciugo afterwards
8) Watched DWTS online

8 Things I Look Forward To:
1) My birthday - you all should know what day it is
2) Thanksgiving - Kent Fried Turkey (bad pun) and the two grandmas in town
3) Christmas - my favorite time of year (I have already busted out the Christmas music, but have resisted the urge to take out the decorations yet)
4) My girl
5) The day my dog can: turn the lights on/off, cook meals, check my email, etc.
6) Having the nursery ready
7) Getting the mail each day
8) Seeing my husband - see an earlier post for why that is something I look forward to

8 Things On My Wishlist:
1) Healthy baby girl
2) Crib - the one from that one store; you know what I'm talking about, right Kevin? Wink. Wink.
3) Warm weather
4) Pleasant husband - I don't like it when he is cranky
5) Never to be mentioned on this blog
6) The housing market to turn around so we can sell more homes
7) Med schools to say yes to Kevin
8) To stay in Texas the rest of my life

8 Things Kevin Did Yesterday (this should be easy):
1) Work
2) Post
3) Scour Youtube for dumb Steve Nash videos
4) Add 2 new players to his fantasy basketball team and one to his football team
5) Go to mutual - with me
6) Listen to his new Adam Green cd like 83 times
7) Watch The In-Laws while I slept
8) Make Hamburger Helper (the best one: Stroganoff) for dinner at about 10 pm


jenfra said...

Actually Cheeseburger Macaroni is the best Hamburger Helper...What are you from Poland?

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

DO NOT come on this blog and diss the Stroganoff. Very, very, very bad idea Jenfra (if that's even your real name). If you want Cheeseburger Macaroni, save yourself $2 and make Mac and Cheese and put hamburger in it. Hardly the best Hamburger Helper albeit a very tasty one.