
Chanson du Jour

This song is not very interesting to watch but very interesting to listen to. Kind of the flip side of yesterdays. John Schmidt is the piano player and has combined Taylor Swift's "Love Story" with Coldplay's "Viva La Vida" song. I think its very interesting and makes these two way over played songs sound nice and new again. I love John's stuff and his Christmas Concert is awesome. I hope you enjoy. He also has another song that he has done like this where he mixed Pachelbel's "Cannon in D" with" U2's "With or Without You." I think Cami will appreciate both of these very much. She seems to be the kind who would really dig John's stuff. Anyway here is the link if you are interested...

Love Story meets Viva La Vida

Taco Bell's Canon in D meets With or Without You


Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Those were great. It seems this Opie man has played the piano once or twice in his life. Very relaxing and a nice change from the crap I usually put up

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Phill - LOVE IT! Thanks so much for introducing him to us! I am now a fan and have explored some of his other stuff on YouTube. Definitely a winner in my book!

Anonymous said...

O.K. my little jazz fan, let's talk turkey. I had the same feeling listening to opie that I get when I listen to jim brickman (even at his Christmas concert) That is, those 8 and 9 minute arrangements of songs are about 5 minutes too long and therefore I am ready to run out of the room because it feels like chinese water torture. I appreciate talent, but don't wear me out with a long, long, long version of sameness.

I do dig the bass fiddle and bass drum combo though.

P.S. if both kevin and cami are going to comment please identify which is which so we can know which of you on a particular comment is insane and which has the cohesive thought.

the hadzic clan said...

nice way to get the anti-blogger to post a U2 song! good job phill!

phill said...

Well I'm glad Kevin and Cami liked it and it sounds like Liberal Menace loves U2 (and your spot on with doing so) but as for anonymous, I'll see if I can get something shorter for you in the next posting. It sounds like you prefer jingles more than songs since they are shorter so I'll see if I can chase down a State Farm Insurance commercial or something like that where the jingle lasts about four seconds. Or is that going to be 3 three seconds too long? Just kidding, you do have a point and I actually considered that when I looked for it. But I figured I would just introduce you all to "the talent." Oh, and long live the Uberallas and go Jazz...

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

U2 is putrid

Anonymous said...

phill, you will undertstand that jingles are much more pleasing when your own alzheimers affliction kicks in when you are several years older. Keep up the good work.

Now what were we talking about????