
My Discovery About Myself

Well, it's official. I have a sixth sense. I can sense greatness. We often believed this to be true (just look at my personal tastes in everything), but it was confirmed on Sunday. I was just chillin' at Green Acres and decided to turn the Grammy's on. Now, no one hates the Grammy's more than me, but this is what was on when I tuned in.

That is all I needed to watch. We changed the channel after that. Radiohead's first appearance at the Grammy's ever. First TV appearance in the US in 9 years. And I got to see it. Now you have also been blessed. See ya.


the hadzic clan said...

nice to see you and gwyneth paltrow agree on what greatness is. too bad they couldn't do something more original than the USC trojan band thing... fleetwood mac's been there, did that. it's called "tusk", now THAT is true greatness. i do like radiohead (usually) and am thankful they didn't pull a "chris brown".

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

I like Radiohead too. Thanks for the Grammy's history lesson. I did not know the bit about Fleetwood Mac. It is my opinion that Thom Yorke was just bucking the system by only bringing 2 of the 5 band members. That way he wasn't completely selling out because Radiohead (in its entirety) was not performing. But, maybe I give him too much credit.

Anonymous said...

fortunately for the rest of us, besides i am and you, we cannot watch the video. That is just as well as I am sure it would have evoked a negative comment from me and who really needs that?