
Cancion del Dia

Hola. Today's song is one of my favorites. You may remember it from a hair shampoo commercial. It's a catchy tune and is pretty solid in my opinion. So, without further delay, let me introduce The Propellerheads and Shirley Bassey with "History Repeating."

I hope that was enjoyable. And now, I must bid you farewell. The mister is on his flight on his way back to home sweet home. Hopefully I haven't disgraced the blog too much with my music!! :) Maybe I'll hijack it again some day soon. Later gators!


the hadzic clan said...

love it! hope you hijack again soon!

Anonymous said...

bueno, bueno, bueno ( I could go on and on because of my bi-lingual ability, but I won't) You have provided such a fun little interlude while the "cat is away" But please let him know we all welcome him back because you just never know what will come out of that brain of his, and that anticipation is delicious.