
Chanson du Jour

The legend goes something like this (well, at least according to the infallible Wikipedia). A young pop group from Scotland has a band name all picked out: The Saxons. They think they want to make it big in America and don't think such a British name will be good. So they come up with ______ Rollers. They take a dart and throw it at a map of the US and hit Arkansas. Hmmmm. Arkansas Rollers. They don't like the sound of it and they realize that Bill Clinton is from that state, so they try again. The dart lands near Bay City, MI. Hmmmm. Bay City Rollers. Perfect. Let's start singing.

Enjoy I Only Want To Be With You

And of course S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night


Anonymous said...

another stake dance flashback.

the hadzic clan said...

bay city is the hometown of madonna, after all. what does this have to do with the rollers, you might ask? i have no idea. great songs! one of the rare bands that were two-hit-wonders.