
Chanson du Jour

Another song selection and note from our contest winner, i blog...

mardi la chanson

everyone who knows me knows i am a BIG fan of cake (both the musical and the type 2-diabetes-inducing kind). and i have it on good authority that mrs. anti-blog does as well. but put away your insulin and syringes, because i'm serving up a double portion of the musical variety. (only because i had a REAL hard time choosing between these two):

please enjoy some cake...

"i will survive" (as posted by mikemoring) and "mahna mahna" (as posted by hamtarucard).

(yeah, i know, the last one isn't a real video. one doesn't exist. but i just love the animaniacs. besides, the song is so brilliantly fantastic, it don't need no stinkin' video)

Mahna Mahna
by Cake

I Will Survive by Cake

Well, i blog, I wouldn't be able to pick between these two either. I guess you can have your Cake and eat it too. Thanks for choosing an edited version of the latter for the innocent who read the blog.


Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Summer 1997. Just got my license. Just got into golf. I have many memories of driving by my lonesome in my dad's Sonoma to the country club to play golf. I would listen to one of two cds: Metallica's black album or Fashion Nugget by Cake. Cake is 100% pure greatness. Nice picks. Way to go for the obscure Mahna Mahna as well. A classic. I should try and find a video of their cover of War Pigs. Greatness.

Anonymous said...

Well Iblog, those were different! The first song I can only imagine would be so horribly numbing if it wasn't for the cartoon clips. As for I Will Survive that was OK but certainly far short of a classic as anti-blog would have us think. Looking forward to the chanson du jour tomorrow.

the hadzic clan said...

bummer. really thought anonymous would like cake. maybe if he were to hear their cover of "guitar man"? just thinking about it makes me laugh (cake remaking a bread song) hee hee!

and thanks for your continued support, anti-blogger.

la chanson de mercredi

i must confess i'm quite the anglophile. and though i don't dress the part, i'm a goth girl at heart. so it's no wonder that i love this next band.

everyone ??? please enjoy iggy pop's song "the passenger" as performed by siouxsie and the banshees (posted by 1darkdreamer)

this isn't the official video, it is a tv spot filmed at a resort in penrhyndeudraeth, north wales (say that 10 times fast - if you can even begin to pronounce it) which was also the locale for a fantabulous show called "the prisoner". (hence, the scenes of patrick mcgoohan running from the bubble)

also, in honour of wednesday/hump day i'd like to treat you guys to a little snippet from my favourite british transvestite comedian/actor, eddie izzard. it's called "cake or death" (posted by ekulmas123909)... most his stuff is unpostable as it contains the f-bomb, but if you can handle that sort of thing, check out "death star canteen" - probably my favourite bit by him. "englebert humperdink" is great, too but i don't know if that is considered postable by the anti-blogger.