
For All The Curious

Someone has yet to ask me, but I know many are wondering, how can I put so much crap on one blog? Where does the time come from? Does he have a job? Does he have a hobby? Does he have any responsibility at all? Does his wife keep him locked up in a tiny room with Wi-Fi? (Help!) Is he obsessed with finger exercise? Is he just so funny that he cannot keep it all contained inside?

The answer to all those is a resounding...(in chronological order, respectively) don't know, doesn't take much time to post crap it only takes time to post something worth reading which cannot be found here, yes, yes, yes, only when I misbehave, no, you be the judge.

But, the answer to the multitudinous posts is this. I live, according to a recent survey, in the 51st safest city in America with a population over 75,000 humans! How awesome is that?!? There were like 382 cities analyzed (crime rates) and my city came in 51. Not shabs. So, why does that mean that I have to blog all the time and never leave the house unless I need Pepsi? I will explicate. Dallas, the nearest "big" city to me, was ranked 356. Like I am going there! What, do you want me to get shot or mugged or worse? Nice try. I can't go out at all because I live in one of the safest havens this great country has to offer.

I can't go out. Period. Unless I want to go to Frisco (ranked 16th) or Allen (ranked 9th), but there is no way ON EARTH I would ever want to go to either of those cities. So, until Dallas gets safer, which will be...uhhhh...I don't know...never! I will stay and post til my little (safe) heart is content.


Anonymous said...

there is a book to help you overcome your fears of leaving the house. It is called "BABY STEPS". It has helped thousands of people live normal productive lives and will help you too. You may even get the courage to go sailing. (sort of)

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

"Well, Doc, if I fake it I don't have it. It's like the cardiac arrest."

"Bob, there is a groundbreaking new book that has just come out...oh there it is."

the hadzic clan said...

"what if i'm looking for a bathroom, i can't find one, and my bladder explodes?"

another good reason not to leave the safety of your house.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

good call. Didn't even think of that one. The reasons just keep piling up. I feel justified