
Chanson du Jour

This song and video have all the necessary elements for a great music video: skateboarding nuns, karate action shots, surfing nuns in Audi cars, clowns doing surveillance with walkie-talkies, a man with a graduated cylinder full of blood, hippies with flowers, dancing/prancing cops, etc. Enjoy Flyswatter by Eels

By the way, no matter what you read to the contrary, this guy is not from LA. He is from Dallas.


Anonymous said...

that was weird but I couldn't take my eyes off it!

the hadzic clan said...

clowns creep me out, but the lead singer's stare was even worse. i swear i've his mugshot at the post office.

the hadzic clan said...

i've SEEN his mugshot - sorry, sudafed and antibiotics fogging my brain.