Well, after 4700 volunteers and 60 years of analysis it is official: happiness is contagious. If you would like to light more of your time on fire by reading the specifics on this research of the obvious, click here.
Did they really not know that? Could there have been a better use for that grant money? 60 years to find out happiness is contagious? I could have told you that in 3 words. Incredulous after hearing this report, I went to dumbresearchprojectsthathaveobviousoutcomesthaticannotbelieve
gotfunded.com to learn about more research going on in the world. Here is what I found.
One study is trying to prove that falling from a higher distance does more damage to the human body. They are studying roofers of 1,2, and 3-story houses to see who gets injured more: the guy falling off the one-story or the guy falling off the three-story house.
Another study is trying to prove that eating 84,000 calories a day while doing no physical exercise is detrimental to one's health.
I read about another study that is trying to prove the validity and necessity of seatbelts. I would hate to see the null hypothesis on this study.
But, the one I was most interested in is the climate study going on. Scientists are trying to prove that there is a link between latitude and climate. Preliminary reports are showing that the closer you are to the poles, the colder it gets. Fascinating. I can't wait to see the results of this one.
Interestingly enough as a side note I am actually a part of the calaoric consumption study.
Me too. I love it
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