Two words. Fill in the blank.
Float like a butterfly, sting like a _______
______ Louise!
Enjoy Stayin' Alive
Hey, don't blame me for the choice. I may or may not have watched Airplane! last night. Blame the movie. Plus, if you don't like this song, you're a bozo. This song is awesome, if not high-pitched.
Just a side note. Does anyone else think the guy in the red shirt looks like Dave Grohl from Nirvana and Foo Fighters? Also, does the guy in the white shirt (who is also balding) look like the lovechild between George Carlin and Bobcat Goldthwait? Also, I think the lead singer looks like George Michael and Gordon Keith from Sports Radion 1310 The Ticket mixed together. Interesting
Come on in. Bring your wit and free time. Leave with neither.
Chanson du Jour
You may recognize the voice of the lead singer in the following band, and I will tell you why. In 2005, all fans of The Unicorns (me and 3 others) had reason to rejoice (it was a fairly quiet celebration because of lack of critical mass) when the lead singer and drummer of The Unicorns formed a new band called Islands. The drummer has since left the band, but not to worry, Islands is still rocking on. Enjoy Rough Gem by Islands.
Chanson du Jour
This song and video have all the necessary elements for a great music video: skateboarding nuns, karate action shots, surfing nuns in Audi cars, clowns doing surveillance with walkie-talkies, a man with a graduated cylinder full of blood, hippies with flowers, dancing/prancing cops, etc. Enjoy Flyswatter by Eels
By the way, no matter what you read to the contrary, this guy is not from LA. He is from Dallas.
By the way, no matter what you read to the contrary, this guy is not from LA. He is from Dallas.
Snuggie As A Buggie In A Ruggie
Cami and I could not stop laughing last night as we watched this commercial. Yes, this is a real commercial. They are actually trying to sell this product and pass it off as a legitimate option for warming oneself. My apologies to any of you who are reading this who own one of these (I'm sure they are quite nice and practical - and, I might add, quite a steal with this TV offer), but these just look ridiculous. And, if you own one, please please please DO NOT EVER wear it to a sporting event, as is recommended. You will look...uhh...shall we say...out of place?
New No. 1
We have a new number one in the Tetris tourney. Many people gave up after Spencer's score, but Camille did not. Unfortunately I deleted the screen shot, but I and the two dogs are witnesses to level 21 with 209 lines and 135,000ish points. Happy playing everyone.
Here is a rare glimpse of the new champ (no, not the stud on the right, but the beauty on the left)

It is true what they say. Smoke follows the ugly one. Gimme a break. That is as wide as I could open my eyes with all those carcinogenic billows blowing in my face. Thanks to Jenny and Phill for this great picture. We have a 24" X 36" version in our living room.
Here is a rare glimpse of the new champ (no, not the stud on the right, but the beauty on the left)
It is true what they say. Smoke follows the ugly one. Gimme a break. That is as wide as I could open my eyes with all those carcinogenic billows blowing in my face. Thanks to Jenny and Phill for this great picture. We have a 24" X 36" version in our living room.
Chanson du Jour
On this the last day of 90s grunge week, I couldn't decide between the two other big grunge bands (with honorable mention going to Silverchair, Bush, Garbage, Hole, and Alice in Chains). So, I will give you a song from both.
Enjoy Spoonman by Soundgarden
And Tonight, Tonight by The Smashing Pumpkins
Enjoy Spoonman by Soundgarden
And Tonight, Tonight by The Smashing Pumpkins
Konshu No Arubamu
While I like highlighting the awesome albums that I listen to, I also really enjoyed highlighting a terrible album that I will never listen to (like I did last time with the falsetto female-voiced band The Eaglettes). Let's make that a tradition, shall we? Honor a cd worth honoring and slam a cd worth slamming. I feel that is fair.
Not much Ipod (by the way, the Ipod has a name and it is I Am Spartacus) time this week, as you can imagine, but when I did fire it up, Pavement's Wowee Zowee was playing.

This album, on the other hand, was definitely not playing because it is unlistenable. The Joshua Tree by U2
Not much Ipod (by the way, the Ipod has a name and it is I Am Spartacus) time this week, as you can imagine, but when I did fire it up, Pavement's Wowee Zowee was playing.

This album, on the other hand, was definitely not playing because it is unlistenable. The Joshua Tree by U2

Chanson du Jour
More 90s fantasticicity would have to include The Toadies. Awesome Dallas band. I knew and sometimes did stuff with Lisa, the bassist, in high school. She would be a great topic for the "Where are they now?" shows because she is no longer with the band. Yes, The Toadies are still together (after 2 breakups) and released a solid album this year. Enjoy 1996's Away by The Toadies.
Merry Christmas. Love, The Gore Family
Besides inventing the internet, Al Gore has given us many things. Let's sing about them to the tune of a festive holiday ditty.
Chanson du Jour
My Christmas gift to you. My favorite Nirvana song. I would be remiss if I did not include Nirvana, the godfathers of grunge, in the 90s grunge week.
Chanson du Jour
Let's continue 90s grunge week. Before the lead singer micturated on his audience and before he died of a drug overdose, he created this little ditty and video. Enjoy No Rain by Blind Melon.
Sorry, Canada
With great apologies to our friends up north, enjoy this biting report on the sad state of the NHL.
NHL Star Called Up To Big Leagues To Play For NFL Team
NHL Star Called Up To Big Leagues To Play For NFL Team
The Obligatory Christmas Post
What is a blog without a Christmas report? I will tell you. Nothing. It is nothing. So, here is my shopping advice. Drink some wassail, sing some songs, and go get that perfect gift for that almost-loved-one.
Aunts And Stepdads Line Up For This Year's Hottest Gift: The Electric Tea Kettle
Aunts And Stepdads Line Up For This Year's Hottest Gift: The Electric Tea Kettle
Huh. Interesting.
This would be the second most biased network, behind MSNBC.
Weather Channel Accused of Pro-Weather Bias
Weather Channel Accused of Pro-Weather Bias
Chanson du Jour
As promised, some 90s grunge. When I was a wee lad, I was too poor and immobile to buy music. At about 14 or 15, when I earned a little cash for myself, I entered the awesome world of buying music. My first purchase was 4 cds: Four by Blues Traveler, the Batman Forever soundtrack, Throwing Copper by Live, and Vitalogy by Pearl Jam. I have selected a Pearl Jam song, Not For You, to play for you. It was my favorite song off Vitalogy. This is Pearl Jam rehearsing for SNL in 1994.
PS - I love Mike McCready's getup (Teva sandals and shorts and windsuit jacket).
PSS - Next time you talk to Cami, ask her about my awesome Eddie Vedder (lead singer) impersonation. It could win awards. If you are lucky, maybe someday I will do it for you.
PS - I love Mike McCready's getup (Teva sandals and shorts and windsuit jacket).
PSS - Next time you talk to Cami, ask her about my awesome Eddie Vedder (lead singer) impersonation. It could win awards. If you are lucky, maybe someday I will do it for you.
One More Reason To Not Be Cocky
The No Fear shirt had it right. Second place is the first loser (emphasis added).
Chanson du Jour
Enjoy Miss Misery by Elliott Smith. This is an Oscar-nominated song from the Good Will Hunting soundtrack
This Belongs In The "Ya Don't Say" Category
Well, after 4700 volunteers and 60 years of analysis it is official: happiness is contagious. If you would like to light more of your time on fire by reading the specifics on this research of the obvious, click here.
Did they really not know that? Could there have been a better use for that grant money? 60 years to find out happiness is contagious? I could have told you that in 3 words. Incredulous after hearing this report, I went to dumbresearchprojectsthathaveobviousoutcomesthaticannotbelieve to learn about more research going on in the world. Here is what I found.
One study is trying to prove that falling from a higher distance does more damage to the human body. They are studying roofers of 1,2, and 3-story houses to see who gets injured more: the guy falling off the one-story or the guy falling off the three-story house.
Another study is trying to prove that eating 84,000 calories a day while doing no physical exercise is detrimental to one's health.
I read about another study that is trying to prove the validity and necessity of seatbelts. I would hate to see the null hypothesis on this study.
But, the one I was most interested in is the climate study going on. Scientists are trying to prove that there is a link between latitude and climate. Preliminary reports are showing that the closer you are to the poles, the colder it gets. Fascinating. I can't wait to see the results of this one.
Did they really not know that? Could there have been a better use for that grant money? 60 years to find out happiness is contagious? I could have told you that in 3 words. Incredulous after hearing this report, I went to dumbresearchprojectsthathaveobviousoutcomesthaticannotbelieve to learn about more research going on in the world. Here is what I found.
One study is trying to prove that falling from a higher distance does more damage to the human body. They are studying roofers of 1,2, and 3-story houses to see who gets injured more: the guy falling off the one-story or the guy falling off the three-story house.
Another study is trying to prove that eating 84,000 calories a day while doing no physical exercise is detrimental to one's health.
I read about another study that is trying to prove the validity and necessity of seatbelts. I would hate to see the null hypothesis on this study.
But, the one I was most interested in is the climate study going on. Scientists are trying to prove that there is a link between latitude and climate. Preliminary reports are showing that the closer you are to the poles, the colder it gets. Fascinating. I can't wait to see the results of this one.

Konshu No Arubamu
Chanson du Jour
Two words can describe the superhappy music of Mika...
1) Money
2) Gay?
Enjoy Grace Kelly by Mika
1) Money
2) Gay?
Enjoy Grace Kelly by Mika
Chanson du Jour
Enjoy the "folk-punk" or "indie-roots" sounds of Concord North Carolina's The Avett Brothers singing Die Die Die
And The "Worst Parents Ever" Award Goes To...
Heath and Deborah Campbell of Easton, Pennsylvania. Why? I will name their three children for you.
Adolf Hitler Campbell (3 years old)
JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell (2 years old)
Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell (1 year old)
No this is not an Onion report. Check it out for yourselves.
Adolf Hitler Campbell (3 years old)
JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell (2 years old)
Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell (1 year old)
No this is not an Onion report. Check it out for yourselves.
Deathy Death Death
Are you going to die from a natural disaster? What? You haven't thought about that? Well, it is high time you get that hamster wheel a-turnin'. I will assist you in your thought process with the following map.

This is broken up by county. If it is white, you are at the national average for risk of dying in a natural disaster. If it is blue, you are safer than the average American. If it is red, contact your attorney and hammer out your will; you could go at anytime because you are at a higher risk of dying by means of a natural disaster. Sweet dreams.

This is broken up by county. If it is white, you are at the national average for risk of dying in a natural disaster. If it is blue, you are safer than the average American. If it is red, contact your attorney and hammer out your will; you could go at anytime because you are at a higher risk of dying by means of a natural disaster. Sweet dreams.
Life In Slow Motion
I will never recommend this show to anyone because it is done so cheesily, but I heard of this show on Discovery Channel called Time Warp. Basically, these guys film ordinary stuff on super slo-mo cameras and look at what is happening in slow motion. It is actually pretty cool. Here is one of my favorite segments.
Here is what happens when a baseball hits a bat, and when a bat breaks. Quite nifty.
Here is what happens when a baseball hits a bat, and when a bat breaks. Quite nifty.
Vincent Dooly
Meet the funniest man on the interweb. Vincent Dooly, the inventor.
The Macelet
The Super Suit
Audition Tape
The Macelet
The Super Suit
Audition Tape
Chanson du Jour
In Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, Han Solo is starting to make his move on Princess Leia and has the audacity to tell her that she has feelings for him. To this she responded "Why you stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herder!" This line gave birth to one of the greatest "nerd rock" bands ever, Nerf Herder.
I counted myself among the fortunate the day I got to see them in concert in SLC. There were about 30 of us there in some basement downtown. As I was entering the venue, Parry Gripp pointed me in the direction I should go. Yes, the same Parry Gripp that is the lead singer of this great band. He was just outside on the street talking on his cell phone. Awesome experience #1. Then, as I went down into the basement, the drummer Steve Sherlock aka The Cougar was just chillin on the ground waiting for the opening acts to finish (there was no "backstage" in the basement so the band just had to wait out among the fans for their turn). Awesome experience #2. The guitarist Charlie Dennis was working merchandise selling duty that night and sold me my t-shirt, then signed it. Awesome experience #3.
Enjoy a cut off their new album, the pure greatness of Oh Me Oh My
I counted myself among the fortunate the day I got to see them in concert in SLC. There were about 30 of us there in some basement downtown. As I was entering the venue, Parry Gripp pointed me in the direction I should go. Yes, the same Parry Gripp that is the lead singer of this great band. He was just outside on the street talking on his cell phone. Awesome experience #1. Then, as I went down into the basement, the drummer Steve Sherlock aka The Cougar was just chillin on the ground waiting for the opening acts to finish (there was no "backstage" in the basement so the band just had to wait out among the fans for their turn). Awesome experience #2. The guitarist Charlie Dennis was working merchandise selling duty that night and sold me my t-shirt, then signed it. Awesome experience #3.
Enjoy a cut off their new album, the pure greatness of Oh Me Oh My
Chanson du Jour
Make up day.
Tuesday - Before Hairspray, no one knew that Christopher Walken could dance unless you saw the Fatboy Slim video for Weapon of Choice
Monday - Regina Spektor - On The Radio
Saturday - Phantom Planet - Do The Panic
Tuesday - Before Hairspray, no one knew that Christopher Walken could dance unless you saw the Fatboy Slim video for Weapon of Choice
Monday - Regina Spektor - On The Radio
Saturday - Phantom Planet - Do The Panic
Baron Davis (yes, the basketball player) has a website that he set up called I read about it in Sports Illustrated. The site is a place where you can challenge the world to anything. I beat you. The site is actually kind of uninteresting, but here are two of my favorite "I beat you's"
Steve Nash shooting free throws. Incredible. Dad, this challenge is to you.
Baron Davis/Steve Nash movie trailer. Again the PG rating prevents it from making an appearance on the blog, but you can click on that link at your own risk. Hilarious!
Steve Nash shooting free throws. Incredible. Dad, this challenge is to you.
Baron Davis/Steve Nash movie trailer. Again the PG rating prevents it from making an appearance on the blog, but you can click on that link at your own risk. Hilarious!
For All The Curious

Someone has yet to ask me, but I know many are wondering, how can I put so much crap on one blog? Where does the time come from? Does he have a job? Does he have a hobby? Does he have any responsibility at all? Does his wife keep him locked up in a tiny room with Wi-Fi? (Help!) Is he obsessed with finger exercise? Is he just so funny that he cannot keep it all contained inside?
The answer to all those is a resounding...(in chronological order, respectively) don't know, doesn't take much time to post crap it only takes time to post something worth reading which cannot be found here, yes, yes, yes, only when I misbehave, no, you be the judge.
But, the answer to the multitudinous posts is this. I live, according to a recent survey, in the 51st safest city in America with a population over 75,000 humans! How awesome is that?!? There were like 382 cities analyzed (crime rates) and my city came in 51. Not shabs. So, why does that mean that I have to blog all the time and never leave the house unless I need Pepsi? I will explicate. Dallas, the nearest "big" city to me, was ranked 356. Like I am going there! What, do you want me to get shot or mugged or worse? Nice try. I can't go out at all because I live in one of the safest havens this great country has to offer.
I can't go out. Period. Unless I want to go to Frisco (ranked 16th) or Allen (ranked 9th), but there is no way ON EARTH I would ever want to go to either of those cities. So, until Dallas gets safer, which will be...uhhhh...I don't know...never! I will stay and post til my little (safe) heart is content.
Breaking News
I am happy to report, since I know everyone was curious, that the ants are no longer attacking us in our home. The siege is over. We couldn't be happier.
PS - The Obama plan might have worked, but we decided to go with the Blagojovich Plan instead. We just sold Barack Obama's vacated house to the ants for future positions in the colony. That worked like a charm. They are on a bus to Chicago as we speak. Success. Full success.
PS - The Obama plan might have worked, but we decided to go with the Blagojovich Plan instead. We just sold Barack Obama's vacated house to the ants for future positions in the colony. That worked like a charm. They are on a bus to Chicago as we speak. Success. Full success.
Konshu No Arubamu
In addition to the song of the day, I will try and put up an album of the week (konshu no arubamu). The phrase is Japanese. Go ahead and pronounce the last word quickly. Sound like "album"? It should. It is a Japanesey version of the famed English word.
The album of the week is an album that got serious "spin time" on my Ipod that week. It lets you know what kind of bands I like, and what kind of mood I was in that week. This week is the upbeat, poppy sounds of Phantom Planet's Raise The Dead.
The album of the week is an album that got serious "spin time" on my Ipod that week. It lets you know what kind of bands I like, and what kind of mood I was in that week. This week is the upbeat, poppy sounds of Phantom Planet's Raise The Dead.

Chanson du Jour
Apparently my last two songs of the day have been huge failures. So, in order to salvage what is left of my self esteem, I went very conservative today. Enjoy The Way I Am by Ingrid Michaelson
Hobbies Part II
Playing competitive baseball with and talking smack to 4 year olds

Practicing for upcoming roles in Cirque du Soleil

Setting up tents (stupid things take a PhD to put up)

Taking pictures with Russell Crowe (not the nasty Master and Commander Russell Crowe, but the Gladiator Russell Crowe)

And having "who can be cheesier" competitions
Practicing for upcoming roles in Cirque du Soleil
Setting up tents (stupid things take a PhD to put up)
Taking pictures with Russell Crowe (not the nasty Master and Commander Russell Crowe, but the Gladiator Russell Crowe)
And having "who can be cheesier" competitions
Roll The Tape
Here is a highlight reel of the activities of the Jensen fam over the last few weeks...
1) Kevin danced with Molly (yes, the dog) to Meatloaf's I'd Do Anything For Love while singing at the top of his lungs. This really frightened Cami

2) Kevin had to go buy Mabodofu Sauce from the local Asian mart bumping his head on the doorway as he went in. He also realized that he cannot read any of the labels. Hope he got the right stuff
3) At a very nondescript point on Interstate 635, Richard Nixon (the Xterra) hit the 141414 mile mark on the odometer. That was a cool moment for all person involved
4) We re-purchased Better Off Dead, the classic 80s high school movie starring John Cusack. Hilarious. Please, someone sing the Peaches And Herb song..."Reunited and it feels so good."

5) Cami's work efforts were nominated for a regional advertising award. Went to the awards show, hung out with drunk marketing execs, ate some food, watched the others get drunker, went home happy
6) Saw the Moscow Ballet's Nutcracker. Seriously? These were the guys we were afraid of during the cold war? These were the guys who were defeated in Olympic hockey in 1980...and it was considered a "miracle"? These guys? Huh.
1) Kevin danced with Molly (yes, the dog) to Meatloaf's I'd Do Anything For Love while singing at the top of his lungs. This really frightened Cami

2) Kevin had to go buy Mabodofu Sauce from the local Asian mart bumping his head on the doorway as he went in. He also realized that he cannot read any of the labels. Hope he got the right stuff
3) At a very nondescript point on Interstate 635, Richard Nixon (the Xterra) hit the 141414 mile mark on the odometer. That was a cool moment for all person involved
4) We re-purchased Better Off Dead, the classic 80s high school movie starring John Cusack. Hilarious. Please, someone sing the Peaches And Herb song..."Reunited and it feels so good."

5) Cami's work efforts were nominated for a regional advertising award. Went to the awards show, hung out with drunk marketing execs, ate some food, watched the others get drunker, went home happy
6) Saw the Moscow Ballet's Nutcracker. Seriously? These were the guys we were afraid of during the cold war? These were the guys who were defeated in Olympic hockey in 1980...and it was considered a "miracle"? These guys? Huh.

Chanson du Jour
The selection of today's song of the day was easy. To spite Anonymous, who apparently has an aversion to bright colors and trampolines, I have selected the...uhhh...what can only be described as pure pandemonium of Sing Songs Along by Tilly And The Wall.
Let us be free, Anonymous!!!
Let us be free, Anonymous!!!
Under Siege
I am creating this post from an undisclosed underground lair. Why the secrecy? Because I don't want "them" to find me. "They" found Cami and me a couple of days ago and seem to follow us wherever we go. "They" are in our food, under our Christmas tree, in our laundry room, and in our kitchen sink. Without strong resolve on our part, "they" will soon be in our heads. Of course when I say "them" I am referring to ants. They are everywhere. We are under attack and can't seem to stop it. Baits, sprays, granules, dirty bombs. Nothing seems to rid our lives of these unwelcome guests. But, we have brainstormed and come up with some killer ideas (pun intended) that we think will put an end to this insectus pandemicus.
1) Force them to listen to the music of The Eagles. That seems to kill anything (kind of like Clorox)
2) Show the ants an Adam Sandler movie. They might then kill themselves
3) Lay carpet in our backyard (maybe they will be fooled into thinking that is the house)
4) Train Molly to hunt/eat anything in the order Hymenoptera (which would include wasps, bees, and ants)
5) Pour a trail of sugar to our neighbor's house
6) Build up an immunity to pesticide - then douse our domicile in the stuff
7) Buy LOTS of magnifying glasses and gather all the kids in the neighborhood for a little science experiment
8) Go to the pound and adopt an anteater (they're domesticated, right?)
9) Fly our house into space, get dangerously close to a black hole, and let the gravitational field suck them in, FOR - EV - ER
10) Go talk to their leader and try to improve relations between ants and humans (we call this the Obama Plan)
11) Make them listen to commentary by Stuart Scott
12) Have them watch the Notre Dame football team's offense. By the time ND gets a first down (the third quarter) the ants will have lost interest and left the house to find the Ball State game
Well, these are our options. We think they are all pretty solid ideas and one of them is bound to work. The one thing that we have that ants do not (besides opposable thumbs and an endoskeleton) is the ability to think critically and analyze. Our intelligence is our only ally here. Wish us luck.
1) Force them to listen to the music of The Eagles. That seems to kill anything (kind of like Clorox)
2) Show the ants an Adam Sandler movie. They might then kill themselves
3) Lay carpet in our backyard (maybe they will be fooled into thinking that is the house)
4) Train Molly to hunt/eat anything in the order Hymenoptera (which would include wasps, bees, and ants)
5) Pour a trail of sugar to our neighbor's house
6) Build up an immunity to pesticide - then douse our domicile in the stuff
7) Buy LOTS of magnifying glasses and gather all the kids in the neighborhood for a little science experiment
8) Go to the pound and adopt an anteater (they're domesticated, right?)
9) Fly our house into space, get dangerously close to a black hole, and let the gravitational field suck them in, FOR - EV - ER
10) Go talk to their leader and try to improve relations between ants and humans (we call this the Obama Plan)
11) Make them listen to commentary by Stuart Scott
12) Have them watch the Notre Dame football team's offense. By the time ND gets a first down (the third quarter) the ants will have lost interest and left the house to find the Ball State game
Well, these are our options. We think they are all pretty solid ideas and one of them is bound to work. The one thing that we have that ants do not (besides opposable thumbs and an endoskeleton) is the ability to think critically and analyze. Our intelligence is our only ally here. Wish us luck.

Chanson du Jour
G'day mates. Let's grab our blokes and dames and head down under to put another shrimp on the barbie. Enjoy Hold Music from Australia's own Architecture In Helsinki.
Hobbies Part I
Chanson du Jour
Two interesting things about this band...
1) They are from Dallas (well Tyler, TX actually)
2) They consist of 4 siblings and a cousin
Enjoy Memories by Eisley
1) They are from Dallas (well Tyler, TX actually)
2) They consist of 4 siblings and a cousin
Enjoy Memories by Eisley
Chanson du Jour
One of the few of his songs I could find that I really like and doesn't have a cuss word. Enjoy
Ben Folds - Still Fighting It
Ben Folds - Still Fighting It
Well, Well, Well. What Have We Here?
About 3 minutes after I invited everyone in bloggerville to our Tetris tourney, the record was smashed! Spencer Nelson (wife's cousin's husband and fellow Texan?) got to level 19 with 165 lines. Nice work Spencer.
Now, luckily we are not like the video game record officials as portrayed in the movie "King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters" and we will not require a videotape submission proving the score was achieved without cheats or irregularities. Spencer even went above and beyond the call of duty and kept the screen shot which he has posted on his own blog. Now, Cami and I have new purpose. Beat Level 19 and 165 lines...
The offender and new record holder (just ignore the Jazz cake)
Now, luckily we are not like the video game record officials as portrayed in the movie "King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters" and we will not require a videotape submission proving the score was achieved without cheats or irregularities. Spencer even went above and beyond the call of duty and kept the screen shot which he has posted on his own blog. Now, Cami and I have new purpose. Beat Level 19 and 165 lines...
The offender and new record holder (just ignore the Jazz cake)

Open Tetris Tourney

For those interested, I have linked an online Tetris game. We will have an ongoing competition to see who is king/queen of the geeks. I hit level 10 with 98 lines and was in the lead for a while until Cami came along and hit level 11 with 106 lines. So far that is the best. If you are interested (mom), click "Play Tetris" on the right and have fun. Post your level and # of lines if it is not too embarrassing. Just put it in the comments section of the most recent post and I will recognize you proper. Remember 6 people see this a month, so be choosy.
One More Reason To Abide By Bruce Jensen's Personal Grooming Standards
I'm guessing this guy is not on Toni & Guy's mailing list.
Bedlam In Austin
If you know anything about college, football, or college football, you know about the "injustice" going on right now with Oklahoma as the beneficiary and UT as the whipping boy. Here are a couple of updates on the BCS fiasco this year.
This plane was sent to fly around UT's campus this week (this is real).

This is a lighter note. The BCS has apparently decided to apply its rules and standards to WWII and has decided that Germany actually won the war. Enjoy.
There you have it.
This plane was sent to fly around UT's campus this week (this is real).

This is a lighter note. The BCS has apparently decided to apply its rules and standards to WWII and has decided that Germany actually won the war. Enjoy.
AP - After determining the Big-12 championship game participants the BCS computers were put to work on other major contests and today the BCS declared Germany to be the winner of World War II.
“Germany put together an incredible number of victories beginning with the annexation of Austria and the Sudetenland and continuing on into conference play with defeats of Poland, France, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium and the Netherlands. Their only losses came against the US and Russia; however considering their entire body of work–including an incredibly tough Strength of Schedule–our computers deemed them worthy of the #1 ranking.”
Questioned about the #4 ranking of the United States the BCS commissioner stated “The US only had two major victories–Japan and Germany. The computer models, unlike humans, aren’t influenced by head-to-head contests–they consider each contest to be only a single, equally-weighted event.”
German Chancellor Adolph Hiter said “Yes, we lost to the US; but we defeated #2 ranked France in only 6 weeks.” Herr Hitler has been criticized for seeking dramatic victories to earn ’style points’ to enhance Germany’s rankings. Hitler protested “Our contest with Poland was in doubt until the final day and the conditions in Norway were incredibly challenging and demanded the application of additional forces.”
The French ranking has also come under scrutiny. The BCS commented “France had a single loss against Germany and following a preseason #1 ranking they only fell to #2.”
Japan was ranked #3 with victories including Manchuria, Borneo and the Philippines.
United States head coach Harry S Truman was criticized by many as having poor taste for scheduling a “politicking” interview during halftime of the German bombing raids over Great Britain.
In that interview, Truman stated, “Any way you look at it, there is going to be a really good military force that gets left out. But when you come right down to it, our head-to-head victory over the Germans has to be the deciding factor.”
A US fan also made the point that “Germany is getting all the style points right now because of their sexy offense, which continues to obliterate weaker opponents and show off their might after the battle is already won. But what about defense?”
There you have it.
Chanson du Jour
Whenever you gather with your friends, the conversation inevitably turns to schmaltzy 80s music (if your friends are anything like mine). In the course of talking about the cheesetastic, overly dramatic music of the 80s, Hall & Oates comes up like 64 times.
Sara Smile
Kiss on my List
You Make My Dreams
Rich Girl
Say It Isn't So
Private Eyes
I Can't Go For That (No Can Do)
One on One
Everytime You Go Away
Anyway. You get the idea. Enjoy She's Gone, probably one of the dumbest videos I have ever seen, but it is very funny.
Sara Smile
Kiss on my List
You Make My Dreams
Rich Girl
Say It Isn't So
Private Eyes
I Can't Go For That (No Can Do)
One on One
Everytime You Go Away
Anyway. You get the idea. Enjoy She's Gone, probably one of the dumbest videos I have ever seen, but it is very funny.
They Draft Like Me
With my predilection for horrible sports teams, I was interested to research some of the big busts in the NBA draft over the years. We know Tiny Tim was a GREAT number one choice for the Spurs in 1997, and we also know that Sam Bowie (picked 2nd) should never have been picked before John Stockton (picked 17th) in the 1984 draft. But, what about these?
1891: James Naismith, the inventor of basketball, picks Joey Farnath to play center on the red team, as he is not yet aware how great a disadvantage being 4'5" will prove in the new game
1966: After observing the vast breadth and depth of his basketball knowledge, the New York Knicks just assume that Marv Albert will be able to play
1984: Michael Jordan is selected third overall, but never lives up to expectations, batting .202 with 50 career RBI
1993: The Washington Bullets are disappointed when their second-round pick, the 7'7" Croation Gheorghe Muresan who doesn't know how to play basketball, performs like he doesn't know how to play basketball
1994: Grant Hill is selected third overall by the Detroit Pistons and breaks both wrists while holding up his new team's jersey
2001: Kwame Brown turns out to be a bust, though, with his height, cornrows, and frame, Washington Wizards scouts and management still contend that he "really looks like a good basketball player"
2003: LeBron James is selected first overall by the Cleveland Cavaliers in what would become one of the greatest busts in NBA history, not for the Cavaliers, but for James
Sam Bowie (world's worst draft pick in the history of ever)
1891: James Naismith, the inventor of basketball, picks Joey Farnath to play center on the red team, as he is not yet aware how great a disadvantage being 4'5" will prove in the new game
1966: After observing the vast breadth and depth of his basketball knowledge, the New York Knicks just assume that Marv Albert will be able to play
1984: Michael Jordan is selected third overall, but never lives up to expectations, batting .202 with 50 career RBI
1993: The Washington Bullets are disappointed when their second-round pick, the 7'7" Croation Gheorghe Muresan who doesn't know how to play basketball, performs like he doesn't know how to play basketball
1994: Grant Hill is selected third overall by the Detroit Pistons and breaks both wrists while holding up his new team's jersey
2001: Kwame Brown turns out to be a bust, though, with his height, cornrows, and frame, Washington Wizards scouts and management still contend that he "really looks like a good basketball player"
2003: LeBron James is selected first overall by the Cleveland Cavaliers in what would become one of the greatest busts in NBA history, not for the Cavaliers, but for James
Sam Bowie (world's worst draft pick in the history of ever)

Good News And Bad News
Which do you want first? Bad News? Ok. Here goes. Texas, my home state, was just ranked as the 46th healthiest state in the nation. Not bad. There are 4 states with obeser, strokier, cancerier, smokier, diabeteser people than Texas. I blame the lack of mountains. How are we supposed to burn energy without mountains? We can't rightly go snow skiing or mountain biking. What do we do instead? Drive our cars to our corporate jobs, sit, eat, watch football, and sleep. Tailgates. Barbecue. Fermented barley. Too many restaurants. Not enough recreation. Boredom. It is no wonder we are so unhealthy.

Good news. I read this yesterday.

Just thought everyone would be happy to hear that.

Good news. I read this yesterday.
Pantone, which provides color standards to design industries, specifically cites "mimosa," a vibrant shade of yellow illustrated by the flowers of some mimosa trees as well as the brunch-favorite cocktail, as its top shade of the new year. In general, Pantone expects the public to embrace many tones of optimistic yellow.
"I think it's just the most wonderful symbolic color of the future," says Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute. "It's invariably connected to warmth, sunshine and cheer — all the good things we're in dire need of right now."

Just thought everyone would be happy to hear that.
Chanson du Jour
Did you know that before You've Got Mail and Sleepless in Seattle, Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks (greatest actor ever?) did a movie together. Yes, that's right. "What movie is that?" you say. Two words: Joe Versus The Volcano.
If you have not seen it? Do. If you have seen it? Again. If you saw it yesterday? Awesome. Enjoy The Del Vikings with Come Go With Me from the JVTV soundtrack.
The clip from the movie that the song is featured in. Enjoy the part where Tom Hanks does the "Bruce Jensen Dance" to the song.
If you have not seen it? Do. If you have seen it? Again. If you saw it yesterday? Awesome. Enjoy The Del Vikings with Come Go With Me from the JVTV soundtrack.
The clip from the movie that the song is featured in. Enjoy the part where Tom Hanks does the "Bruce Jensen Dance" to the song.
Chanson du Jour
The artist is Cat Power. She is the queen of college radio. Enjoy The Greatest. See if you can identify what is wrong with this video (check the 1:00 minute mark).
Chanson du Jour
I have my own rule of thumb when it comes to music. If the musician has been on the Conan show, he/she/they are great. Enjoy As Tall As Cliffs Live by Margot and the Nuclear So and Sos.
Hits Close To Home
This reminds me of a horrifying experience I had while boogie boarding in Hawaii. Anonymous knows what I am talking about. I feel the pain, dude in the video.
Super Bowl Shuffle
Remember this?
I will root for the Bears to win the Super Bowl this year just to see Sexy Rexy make a video like this. I wonder what his verse would be...
My name is Rex Grossman
Used to be the quarterback
Didn't do nothing besides talk smack
Ruled the roost in college
Stunk in the NFL
Now I hold a clipboard
Tell Orton he's doing swell
When I play, the Bears are in trouble,
So I'll just be here doing the Super Bowl Shuffle
I will root for the Bears to win the Super Bowl this year just to see Sexy Rexy make a video like this. I wonder what his verse would be...
My name is Rex Grossman
Used to be the quarterback
Didn't do nothing besides talk smack
Ruled the roost in college
Stunk in the NFL
Now I hold a clipboard
Tell Orton he's doing swell
When I play, the Bears are in trouble,
So I'll just be here doing the Super Bowl Shuffle
Jacksonville? More like Existentialville!
I have been wondering all year why the Jaguars are having a below average season this year in the NFL league. If I had known what went on before the first game, everything would have been much clearer. See for yourself.
Pre-Game Coin Toss Makes Jacksonville Jaguars Realize Randomness Of Life
Pre-Game Coin Toss Makes Jacksonville Jaguars Realize Randomness Of Life
My New PR

I had 53 blog posts in October. That was a personal record (PR) for two reasons: 1) I didn't blog any month before that (besides the very end of Sep) and 2) It is a ridiculous amount of posts for one month. But, you will all be happy to know that I shattered my PR and posted 62 ridiculous, time-wasting videos and dumb jokes in November. With the help of all of you and a little extra time, I think we can beat 62 this month. What do you think? As Linguini says in Ratatouille Let's do this thing.
Cami Feels "At World's End"
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