
My Hero

As I was preparing for my interview at the school in Ohio, I read online that one of the questions that is frequently asked at the school is "Who is your hero?". I struggled preparing for this one. My dad? True, but cliche. Superman? Absolutely not. Batman? Now we're getting somewhere. If only I had known this guy existed. This guy is my hero. Watch the video and I will explain.

Why, you might ask, is this guy my hero? If you couldn't tell from this hilarious video, let me help you.

1. This guy is happy
2. Dance skills? Check
3. Excellent ping pong abilities
4. Positive attitude
5. Not afraid of failure
6. Doesn't care what others think
7. Not afraid to "pop, lock, and drop it" like those women in the rap videos
8. He can rock the short shorts
9. He wears double wristbands while playing ping pong

You see? This guy is clearly hero material. But, the funniest part of the video is who he is making fun of. Professional athletes taunt and dance and gloat every time they make a good play, without sensing the irony that they are paid millions of dollars to make those very plays. No flexing your muscles after making a reception. No popping your jersey off your chest when you block a shot. Don't run slow and admire a well hit ball. Don't run around like bees are chasing you when you score a goal. You are supposed to do that stuff. Just because you normally don't do it does not give you reason to celebrate. By their logic, shouldn't they be sulking and giving money back each time they don't catch a ball, block a shot, hit a home run, or score a goal? That's fair, right? Just saying.


Chelsea said...

I didn't know they got your high school ping-pong tourney on video... As good as your mad dancing skills were back then- they've only gotten better :)

Anonymous said...

....and many athletes celebrate when they are getting killed on the scoreboard, like our short-shorted hero who is losing 10 to 1 but still decides to taunt the other player.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

That is true, Chelsea. My dancing skills have greatly improved. Unfortunately, as my immediate family can attest to, my ping pong skills are not quite what they were in the video. Yes, Anonymous, the scoreboard was definitely the funniest part of the video.