
Chanson du Jour

Well, I seem to be stumping everyone. Let's try an 80s one today, shall we?

by Ray Parker Jr.

Footloose by Kenny Loggins

I know what you're thinking. This is too easy. Way too obvious. How is this difficult? Well, I hear ya. Let's make this challengier. To rule out the obvious similarity between these two songs and point you in a different direction I will give you another song that has something in common with both of these two songs, but was not in a movie or named after one. This will bring out the 80s timeline junkies like never before (hint, hint).

Say Say Say by Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson

And no I will not accept "awesome white man dancing" as an answer.


the hadzic clan said...

easy peasy lemon squeezy...

besides all being songs that i used to turn off when they came on the radio, i'd have to guess they were all at least top 10 (and possibly no.1's?).

but since you threw that "timeline" clue in, i'm guessing you want a year. i'm thinking either '83 or '84. definitely not '85, as neither i nor my friends had a drivers license and were at the mercy of our parents to drive us 20 miles to the nearest theater to see those movies.

ahh...the good ol' days. walking 10 miles to school everyday in a blizzard (uphill both ways).

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding...right on both accounts. Both (check that, all 3) songs were top 10 hits from 1984. Nice going i blog. And all 3 are kinda lame. So I guess you were correct on a whoppin' 3 similarities between these songs. Although that dang Footloose songs is pretty catchy.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Hey, Hey, don't give the answer until the end of the week. It makes me feel bad about my answer. I was thinking of a time line when Signourny Weaver played a loose woman possesed by evil ghosts (Ghostbuster) to a possesed town led by an evil preacher (Footloose) to a time when Paul McCartney's wife did not have a foot loose.

That was funny huh?

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

There has been way too much bashing of people with disabilities lately. Although I don't think anyone feels bad for Heather "golddigger" Mills