
Chanson du Jour

Having a baby has certainly changed things around the Jensen home, that is for sure. But, one thing it has not changed is my musical taste. Baby J has already been submitted to a few favorites like Norah Jones, Spoon, The Ticket (sports talk radio), and Sean Hannity (she is the future of the Conservative movement, I think). But, from yesterday's song it appears people think I "all of a sudden" have become a lite rock favorites of the 70s, 80s, and 90s kind of dad. Not quite. That will be in a few years when I find my daughter's musical taste unlistenable (which will certainly happen, unless I start brainwashing RIGHT NOW). The explanation of yesterday's song is simple: I just like Billy Joel. Is that so horrible?

So, to overcompensate and show how cool I am, how unchanged I have been, how rebellious I am, how "not listening to workplace music" I am, how hardcore I am, how edgy I am, and how uncompromising I am, please enjoy a classic from Metallica. For Whom The Bell Tolls .

I think we can all agree on 2 things:

1. Metallica was never the same after Cliff Burton's death in 1986
2. Metallica is awesome
3. Kirk Hammett is the greatest guitar player ever (or at least in this video)
4. And how 80s metal it is to wear the t-shirt of your own band while playing a gig (like Sir James Hetfield is doing)


Anonymous said...

Nothing horrible at all about liking Billy Joel. It actually shows that you have a keen intellect.

the hadzic clan said...

as you would say, greatness. work on your counting, though.

and i wouldn't openly admit on your blog that you subject lil' J to sean hannity. some liberal nutcase might read this and call child protective services on you.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Yes, i blog, I realize the grave error of my way in introducing my newborn to Sean Hannity. I almost called CPS on myself. Everyone knows that you should introduce them to RUSH FIRST, then Hannity, then Levin. Then, in order for them to fully understand irony and hypocrisy, you turn the channel to C-SPAN, CNN, and MSNBC. When they have an upset stomach and need to vomit but can't...turn on Olbermann. Works every time. But if my desire for having my child's first words be "tax cuts" and "free market capitalism" is a crime, then take her away. I am GUILTY! Yes, Anonymous, Billy Joel is great. I am still waiting for him to tour with Metallica. Now that would be a show worth going to.