
Chanson du Jour

This one is for my wife. She never listens to my song of the day, but I have a feeling she will listen to this one. This guy is great. I am sure to draw some ire over this one as well, but I don't care. Enjoy I'm Yours by Jason Mraz. By the way, the song ends around the 4:30 mark if you don't want to watch the whole thing. The rest of the 4 minutes is just him singing random stuff to the Koreans, who I am assuming have no idea what he is saying, and jamming out. It is good, but not part of the song and only for die hards.


the hadzic clan said...

love him. very talented.

Anonymous said...

that was a great song and performance. I wonder when he will be playing at a high school assembly here in the florida area?

The Tait Family said...

he's great. thanks for having a song of the day where we actually KNOW who the artist is! I am dying to see him in concert.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Are you going to his show Tait Family? That would be pretty fun. Anonymous, was that a dig at the stage and production or the artist? Just need to make sure. I agree on the talent front i blog. He is pretty stinking good