
Further Proof That FoxNews Has A Right-Wing Bias

I found this article on Foxnews.com today. I found it very interesting. Don't bother reading it if you don't want to, for I will sum it up and commentary on it, free of charge (unless you are still paying for the internet by the minute, in which case you have spent WAY too much money on this ridiculous website).

I have been informed by my editor and the chairman of the company that owns this blog that we have been leaking readers in the coveted 14-18 year old age bracket like a sieve. So, in a feeble attempt at getting our readership from that age bracket back to its original level (which is 0; apparently we now have teenagers actively telling people to not read this crap, which is actually lower than 0 in the Nielsen internet ratings), I will relate this news story in the parlance of our times. In other words, the rest of the blog will be in teenager. Forgive me, my teenager is not fluent and may sound awkward at times, but here goes.

so like there was this guy from some country austria i guess who was really good at science and stuff i think wolverine is from austria but anyways so this guy got some money from like the government and did a study on belly button lint i think how awesome is that to get paid to do that crap all day anyways he was like trying to figure out where belly button lint came from and stuff what he said was that like it was happy trails that caught the lint and sucked it into the belly button so like unless there was some really scary chick with a nasty happy trail belly button lint is mostly a dude problem not only that but it was mostly an fat dudes problem so I should be pretty solid but my dads in trouble anyways that is what is said and thats pretty cool


the hadzic clan said...

if your spot on teenage precis didn't make me laugh until i wet myself, then the fact that fox news dot com has a "natural science" link surely, did.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Foxnews is just preparing for the fairness doctrine to hit the internet.