
Make Me 3

Well, I have created my own tag again. With no friends, readers, people who associate with me, people who acknowledge my existence, bacteria living on my person, dogs who bark at me or sniff me or "show dominance" to my leg, or any other association, no one tags my blog for anything. So what do I do? Impose myself. Sometimes I tag myself and just fill out a tag I saw on someone else's blog. In this case, as with times in the past, I just make up crap and call it a tag. That is how tags are started anyways, right?

This tag is simple. Here we go. 3 Things That Make Me...

1. Running 16 feet (or climbing 8 stairs - in Texas of course; it's 4 stairs in Utah)
2. Too much sleep - 5-6 hours is plenty
3. Doing nothing - boredom makes me sleepy; that is why I blog

1. Pushing the popcorn button on the microwave and having tons of unpopped kernels
2. Anything that is popular for no other reason than society tells us it is popular (i.e. Transformers movies, rap music, fantasy movies, Obama, American Idol, flipping real estate, etc.)
3. Stupid lawsuits

1. Owen Wilson
2. Hurting myself doing stupid things (slamming finger in the door, etc)
3. The Itsy-Bitsy Spider

1. The thought of having a daughter (maybe put that in the "laugh" category or the "sad for the unborn" category)
2. Good music
3. Helping others

1. The thought of having a daughter
2. Cami realizing she married down...waaaaaaaaay down
3. What if I'm looking for a bathroom, I can't find one.....and my bladder explodes

Run Away
1. Public Restrooms
2. Cops
3. High price tags

1. Eating oatmeal for breakfast (lunch must come early on those days)
2. Anorexia nervosa
3. Jack in the Box commercials

1. Lived in Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Texas, and Japan for at least two years
2. Majored in Asian Studies but aspire to go into medicine
3. I know way too much useless crap and nothing I need to know

1. Jerry Bruckheimer (except for the POTC movies, Jenfra)
2. Rare diseases
3. Delaware

1. Little people
2. Earwigs
3. Texas winter winds

1. Boredom
2. Lack of other hobbies
3. The hope that someone somewhere laughs at this drivel


Anonymous said...

thanks for the self-imposed tag. It is always funny, interesting, scary, worrisome to get a glimpse into your brain. a couple of questions.

1. I heard you lived in Califoria for a period as well.

2. What are POTC movies? (I know I will get ridiculed for asking that)

3. Hurry and get over your quivering bouts over little people.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

!. Not for 2 years
2. Pirates of the Carribbean
3. Not those little people - the m word that rhymes with gidgets is what scares me. As far as babies are concerned, they are the ones who are mortally afraid of me. I have yet to meet a baby that did not cry at the sight of me. Should I be worried

The Tait Family said...

you are funny. and weird. good thing we all love you anyway.

jenfra said...

Okay, so you are going to be a doctor and are a germaphobe (no public restrroms) and you do no like "little people"....PUH-LEASE!

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

I will take funny and weird as compliments. Both of them. Yes, Jenfra I am afraid of little people and I am not a germaphobe. It is more of a privacy thing. I am a private, shy person and that is why I don't like public restrooms. My problem with them is built right into the name. PUBLIC = BAD. The only thing I like that starts with the word public is public transportation. Love trains and buses. Public phones, public policy, public displays of affection, publicity stunts, etc are all bad things.

Anonymous said...

Kevin, you’re going to be a dad. What baby doesn't cry when dad holds them? They always want mom or any other female first so I'd say you’re right on target. Secondly, I'd agree that Cami married way down but considering the alternatives, she did pretty good. I pity women and the fact they must choose one of us. Another reason I'm glad I'm a guy... Third, what’s with the itsy-bitsy Spider? Is it the hand actions that make you laugh or the song its self?