
Waiting For Phill

Well, I am turning over creative control of the anti-blog to my homefry Phill. His first act as editor-in-chief of this sorry excuse for a debacle waste of time piece of terribleness that is poorly described as a blog is to post some sweet action from Waiting For Guffman. (Note: if you did not just laugh to yourself at the mention of that movie, pause, hit the red "X" with your mouse, grab the car keys, go to Blockbuster, rent it, watch it, love it, come back to this post to honor the movie with us.)

So, here is what I found after scouring the internet for 13 seconds.

I call this clip "What did your keen and perceptive eyes behold?" and I dedicate it to Anonymous.

This clip is called "No I wasn't, but I sat beside the class clown and I studied him" and it is dedicated to me, the comic doctor. Can you dedicate stuff to yourself? I will call Delilah tonight and give it a try.

I call this clip "with the chaps" and it is dedicated to Phill (because of the similar back stories)

I call this one "fresh off a Destroyer" and I dedicate it to you.


Anonymous said...

It took me a couple of minutes to wipe the tears of laughter away so I could even comment. Now that is greatness! Mibik Schmibik!

Anonymous said...

I love it Kevin! I'd have to say that line where he says "you know that sweeping sort of hat" is right up there with the line, "Who dat guy? Thats APPLEJACK Man!" from Bottle Rocket. I plan on using that term on the site in the future. I need to see this movie again. It's chuck full of lines. Love it!

Anonymous said...

I love it Kevin! I'd have to say that line where he says "you know that sweeping sort of hat" is right up there with the line, "Who dat guy? Thats APPLEJACK Man!" from Bottle Rocket. I plan on using that term on the site in the future. I need to see this movie again. It's chuck full of lines. Love it!

the hadzic clan said...

guffman, mighty wind, best in show, spinal tap... CLASSICS! i'm embarrassed i didn't include at least one of these in my top 10.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Phill, a million buck if you use that phrase on a construction site. Seriously. One million bucks. I would love to see that. I blog, it is ok that you omitted these from your top 10 (don't forget For Your Consideration, which I can only assume was"..."). Top 10s are hard. That is why I try to avoid them. You always leave something out. Anonymous, I thought you would like the cross-eyed part. I just remember we had to pause the movie you were laughing so hard..."I have a VERY lazy eye which these glasses help to correct"