

We will continue "tag week" with a tag found on the Francom family blog. Since they did not specify they wanted Cami's answers, I will give my own. Sorry.

8 Things About Me
Here are the Rules:
1) Post rules on your blog
2) Answer the six '8' items
3) Let each person know by leaving them a comment

8 Favorite TV shows
1. NFL
2. The Office
3. QVC
4. Spongebob
5. IFC (anything)
6. TLC (Cami could watch this channel all day, no matter the show; which means I watch it, too)
7. Hannah Montana
8. The Dean Martin Show

8 Things I did yesterday
1. Put gas in my car
2. Talked to a 101 yr old lady at the ER
3. Ate Subway (more stale bread - I need a new Subway)
4. Backed a trailer up to load a crib
5. Picked an awesome song for chanson du jour
6. Picked up: latin, the cello, a small child, after myself, on hints from my wife
7. Redbox (free every Monday!)- The Visitor (good movie if you hate illegal immigration laws)
8. Read "Mao" (not the whole thing, that would be a record)

8 Things I look forward to
1. Med School
2. Child #1
3. Probably other children, too
4. Living in the International Space Station
5. Capitalism's comeback in this country (sorry, couldn't resist)
6. Dinner
7. Seeing Cami tonight
8. Meeting my child (scary thought)

8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Mickey D's
2. Wendy's
3. Taco Casa
4. Angelo & Vito's
5. Carrabba's
6. Anything with good sushi (Awaji, for instance)
7. Cheesecake Factory
8. Genghis Grill

8 Things on my wish-list
1. Healthy family
2. Better air guitar skills
3. One more fantasy sports championship - take that, Phill/Anonymous
4. An employable degree (i.e. not Asian Studies)
5. The Spurs to stop stinking and the Cards to win the Super Bowl
6. Garlic crusher
7. My car to last forever, because my wife loves it so much
8. To survive the drive home tonight in the freezing rain


The Tait Family said...

i would be scared to meet your child too if i were you! did you make it home okay last night? tried to call you back...no answer. i am sorry i have been difficult to get a hold of. not intentional....just a 2 and 4 year old that demand a lot of time and attention. you will soon find out. just be lucky they don't come out being 2 and 4 already....you'll have some time to ease into the demandingness of a child. love them. they are so cute! yours will be too thanks to other genes that are not yours.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

I did make it home safely. It was the drive to work the next day that was the most dicey. It is ok that you don't call me back. I understand my place on the totem pole.