
Chanson du Jour

I'm sick of it. I can't take it anymore. All this ridiculing. I am strong, but not impervious to vicious attacks against my person. I put my heart and soul on this blog everyday for you people, and all you feel the need to do is smash it into a pancake. Well, no more. Now, like a crappy politician (of which we have many examples), I will start pandering and catering to my constituents. No more Tilly and the Wall. No more The Unicorns. No more Elliott Smith. I will only put up (crappy) music that makes you, the reader, happy. (Crappy) Music that you like. (Crappy) Music that you think is good. In fact, I might change the name of the post to "Crappy du Jour" in honor of this change.

I hope you are proud of yourself. I hope you are happy. Breaking the spirits of another human without regard to how it will affect his life or psyche. I get so excited when I get comments on the blog, and then I start to read them. "Terrible", "Boring", "Unlistenable", "What the heck is that?", "They should stop making music immediately", etc. I hang my head, go back downstairs, get in my pjs and just go to bed after that. The wind is out of the sails. Demoralized. Destroyed. Deflated. Defeated. Denied.

Enjoy (this one is for my constituent, Phill) De Do Do Do De Da Da Da by The Police.

PS - All that crap above is not true. I will never cater to constituents just to make them like me. I am not like a politician. I am above that. I am more than a few votes. I am unique, special. I have special skills, like bloviating, fabricating, annoying, sleeping, eating, and lounging. See, I recognize my own self worth and don't need y'all's help or support. Keep criticizing my tunes. I can take it. I love it. I wouldn't have it any other way. I just know deep, deep down in my heart of hearts that you are all the crazy ones. I am the sane one. I picked today's song not because Phill loves him some Sting (as does my brother-in-law, K-town Special), but because I find it the only Police song worth spending time listening to that does not have to do with a prostitute. Enjoy the song. I do.


the hadzic clan said...

is you is, or is you ain't my constituent?

lighten up dude, don't wear your heart on your sleeve if you don't want to get lint on it.

sensational song, btw.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

I am NOT the constituent. I'm the paterfamilias!

Anonymous said...

Your're a winner Billy!

Anonymous said...

Greatness all the way to the max, Kevin! I know you care not for my opinion and I half anticipate a slam for my comments. But never the less, greatness...

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Hey, phill, not all Sting songs are unlistenable pieces of cacophonous garbage. This is one of them. I like this ditty. Put this on the short list of songs we both like.

Anonymous said...

Ok then, make it the top of the list. The song is sweet and simple. That's what makes it so great.