
Chanson du Jour

Ever since I bought my first cds (Live - Throwing Copper, Blues Traveler - Four, Batman Forever Soundtrack, Pearl Jam - Vitalogy) I have been on a never-ending quest for good music. But, my dad taught me something when I was a teenager that I will never forget (and rarely use). Good music is not always good dance music. Good dance music is not always good music.

As DJ for the Stake dances, my dad was responsible for the musical entertainment of the teenagers in our area. This is a responsibility he really enjoyed. I would help him pick out the music, along with several other teenagers, for the dances. Late night trips to Barnes & Noble to listen to new music each month was one of our favorite pasttimes. We would gather and collect music and then present our discoveries to the committee for review. Thumbs up or thumbs down. That was all we needed. And remember, you are not voting if you like the song or not, but rather you are voting on whether that song is a good dance song or not. Clean, upbeat (unless it's a slow song), relatively short, danceable.

So, in honor of my dad who taught me the difference between good music and good dance music, we will have Stake Dance Week this week. Songs I remember from the Stake dances of my youth. Songs that I have associated with my dad in some way or another (yes, this is a cheap ploy to pay him back for the torture I put him through last week). Enjoy.

Sell Out by Reel Big Fish


Anonymous said...

I am sure your dad will be pleased as you remember those days of listening to and selecting music. I think he would have also reminded you that good dance music, must be played loud! Nice start to the week with Sell Out. You can't help but move.

the hadzic clan said...

no you can't help but move... in a very spastic kind of way.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Spastic indeed. All music should be played loud, Anonymous. Never forget that.

jenfra said...

how funny....we never played this song at our stake dances....hmmmm....generational difference maybe...who knew that you and Phill were that OLD.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Dude, Phill and I ARE old. And I feel it, too.