The latest Radiohead album is called In Rainbows. In a show of defiance to the greedy you-know-whats at the record labels, Radiohead released this album online that you could download for the price that you named. $0? No problem. The album is yours. Pretty awesome. Here are my favorite songs off the album.
15 Step - performed at the Grammy's this year and also the song played at the end of Twilight
Videotape - my favorite song on the album
Well, I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that Radiohead is in the recording studio right now banging out #8 for all us peasants to enjoy soon. I can't wait and I know you can't either.
As for Anonymous, happy 4th of July. You are officially free of the British and can claim your independence. The Red Coats won't attack you on this blog ever again. This blog is done with Radiohead (but probably not all British artists), forever (say it like Squints, for me).
well that was a long week. but i guess it could have been longer (i.e. "country week"). i don't know why i don't like radiohead. i really try to - and i do like "15 step" but the rest just bores me. i start to like a song and then thom yorke starts to sing and ruins it for me.
So, you don't like Radiohead? Well, no one's perfect.
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