
Chanson du Jour

An unofficial video, but it works. We Used To Be Friends by The Dandy Warhols


Anonymous said...

catchy, quirky and very likable. Plus the touching story between the green and yellow friends is great.

the hadzic clan said...

i've been patiently waiting for you to post these guys... they're the BEST!!!

as for your "reconciliation" of your love for robin hood and conservative values, just remember: robin hood gave to the poor unconditionally. no strings attached. no work necessary. no pre-approved spending plan required.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Ah...That is what I thought. But let us not forget one thing. There is something that the writers of the Robin Hood tale PRESUPPOSED. It is something that is very foreign to us Americans, but it was common sense back then. Here it is: everyone contributes to society and everyone pays taxes and everyone works hard to provide for their own family. There are no handouts. The writers just assumed that society is that way. Unfortunately, society has changed. Now everyone wants something for nothing which any economist will tell you is not possible (but Stacy still thinks her Denny's breakfast was truly free - I have given up on that fight). So, Robin Hood was taking hard earned money back from the government and giving it to the people that had EARNED it. What a concept.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

But I am sorry it took me so long to post The Dandy Warhols. Sometimes these bands get lost in my Itunes and when it comes time for selecting the daily song I look right past them. I will try harder in the future.