
Chanson du Jour

Over the last year or so, I have gotten really into "anti-folk" music. I don't know what it is about it. I just like it. I think it is really funny. It started with Moldy Peaches and Adam Green and has blossomed into a full-blown love for most anti-folk artists. Some of them have been on display on this blog. Here is another one.

East River by Jeffrey Lewis

And a bonus song for a special reader. I have always found it interesting that my political views would automatically disqualify me from any friendship with any of the musical artists that I like. Most of them, yes Anonymous including Radiohead, are passionate, with a capital P, liberals. That includes Jeffrey Lewis.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that dude is unlucky in love and politics. Come to think of it, he's probably a mets fan as well. What a sad and sorry existence.