
Chanson du Jour

A thousand apologies for the absence. If I am not posting songs everyday, what good am I to the world? This is all I have to offer. This just goes to show you that when Cami is not around, my life just falls apart. I can't even remember to post a song each day. I can't figure out how to prepare a meal. I can't figure out a decent time to fall asleep. Nothing seems to go right. I look forward to Friday, when the chaos will end upon her arrival. But, until then, let's hang in there.

Percussion Gun by White Rabbits


the hadzic clan said...

nice, but i don't think i could stand a whole album of this. talk about migraine inducing...

Anonymous said...

Hey, here's a cool idea. When the guys are playing the drums maybe you could squirt different color paints on the drums and then they would splash, and maybe when they aren't playing the drums during the song they could throw marshmallows at each other> That would be awesome!

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

That is a lot of drums. It matches the pulsing of my temporal artery