
Chanson du Jour

This is the last song from Julie & Julia during Nora Ephron week. Little AK loves this song and especially loves it when her mama sings it to her. Pretty cute.

Meanwhile we are awaiting some snow (maybe 2 inches) here in Dallas overnight. Maybe school will be canceled tomorrow. That would be excellent. Give me extra time to study for my test on Friday, my test on Monday, and prepare for Student Grand Rounds (a big presentation that I have) on Wednesday. Then again, I would miss out on the exciting lab that is prepared for tomorrow where there are three stations where we learn a clinical skill for an hour a piece. Tomorrow is phlebotomy, X-ray reading, and listening to different heart and breathing sounds. I know Anonymous will be volunteering for the phlebotomy lab. He loves that stuff.

A Bushel And A Peck by Doris Day


Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Anonymous, I thought you would enjoy a little song from your early adulthood. This one is for you! BURN!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You're a funny guy. Now run along to your lobotomy lab and be the first volunteer to give.

THe only reason this song was listenable for more than 10 seconds is that in my mind's eye I could see Cami singing to AK. THat made it great. Otherwise as a serious adult song it was a beating.