
Chanson du Jour

The rest of this week we are going to have head to head competitions. The fact that these songs are greatness is not up for debate. We are only curious as to which is the greatnesser. Enjoy.

First up, a Weird Al duel (clearly inspired by yesterday's CNR)

White and Nerdy

If you want to hear the song spoofed, click here to listen to Ridin' Dirty by Chamillionaire (expect rapper lyrics - although edited - and video vixens if you watch this)

Or, Trapped In The Drive-Thru

If you want to hear the song spoofed, Trapped In The Closet Parts 1-12 by R.Kelly, you are going to have to find them on your own because the content is not that which is condoned on this blog. But, suffice it to say, Weird Al nails it again.


the hadzic clan said...

tough choice there. i'd go for "trapped", he caught all the nuances of that unlistenable song and made it extremely enjoyable. (although i think "a complicated song" should get honorable mention.)

Phill said...

I'd have to go with "White and Nerdy." I was so right on that I felt it was inspiring. I felt like I was walking on BYU's campus again. I especially liked that he found Don Osmond to throw in there. It was a nice touch.

Anonymous said...

THey were both hilarious. Trapped had me laughing out loud, but then alas, I can't listen to anything that is 11 minutes long. so I will cast my vote for white and nerdy and the donny osmond cameo.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

My vote is for Trapped in the Drive Thru. I can watch that everyday and never get tired of it.