
Chanson du Jour

What do you get when you combine a Ukranian singer/songwriter with a(n):

Russian Violinist
Israeli Guitarist
Russian Accordionist
American Drummer
Ethiopian Bassist
Thai-American and Chinese-Scottish Backup Singers
and an Ecuadorian Percussionist?

Some of the weirdest music known to man. It is excellent. Gypsy punk to the rescue. Introducing...Gogol Bordello


Unknown said...

Wow. That sound is definitely . . . new. If you can make it in NY you can make it anywhere. They are definitely anywhere, let's see if they can make it.

chadandash said...

The chinese scottish wanna be's made my day. glad to see you and your wife are still alive out there somewhere. dallas still right? we're heading down for a visit next week. im up 2-0 on kids so hurry up!