
But Still, I Love Technology

I love technology. I gobble it up every chance I get. Let me just give you some examples:

1) I have a car with automatic transmission
2) I own a desktop computer
3) I have a phone called a cellular phone that I can use anywhere, anytime
4) I have a color television

You get the idea. I have it all. Lately, I discovered that there are some cell phones that have cameras built in them (yes, I know, I thought it couldn't be true as well). So, naturally, I had to own one. So now I have one.

Cami's cousin Jared, being a little bit of a showboater, was recently gloating about his cell phone, the Blueberry, that has a flash on its camera. Whoopdeedoo. He showed me, but unfortunately the flash looks like the high beams on a Peterbilt and it comes 11 seconds before the picture takes. So, this is the result.


Rennie said...

Glad to see you joined the 21st century and are now bloggers. Can't wait to see baby bumps...(will Kevin get one too?), baby progress, Mommy health etc.

Claudia said...

WHAT???? I think you've just been outed... Is there something you'd like to share?

Jared and Melissa said...

I'm so honored to be included in your bloggings...I think. As Trevor told me this last weekend, "don't be a hater". You're just jealous of my mullberry phone.