
Chanson du Jour

Well, I think a three month break (exactly, btw - not planned, but awesome nonetheless) is quite enough. I know, I know. You were getting the "ridiculous band shakes", but don't worry...those will go away. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We'll pick up right where we left off. If you are new here, yous gots lots of catchin ups to do. This is a Seattle band.

Last Dance by Math and Physics Club

Oh, what the hay. In honor of my two favorite things (not people mind you), 1) the $1 Mickey D's double cheeseburger and 2) the $.99 Wendy's double stack, let's make this bad boy a double, just as a "welcome home son" to me. This band is not from Seattle, but they are from Finland. So, that's good.

Higher Ground by Cats on Fire


Anonymous said...

Oh I've missed this!!

Math and Physics club= 2010 version of the Monkees

Cats on Fire = 2010 Finnish version of the Monkees

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Hey Hey we're the cats on fire. People say we like to burn cats...Maybe.