
Chanson du Jour

Scotland's version of The Jonas Brothers?

You and Me by The View


Phill said...

Hmm, I expected a thicker accent. So how do you come across these very non-main stream bands? Well, good or bad, no one finds them like you do, Kevin.

Anonymous said...

that was pretty good. Bubble gummish but in a catchy way. Are they a one hit wonder?

the hadzic clan said...

why did they name themselves after a TV show about a bunch a nagging, menopausal women?

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Well, Phill, one doesn't just come across these types of bands. One has to search them out. metacritic.com, Itunes, etc. But, who has that kind of time? Anonymous, they are a 0 hit wonder. You ever heard this song? Yeah, me neither. Good question, hadzic clan. Try searching "the view" in youtube and all you get is Joy Behar's whacked out logic and Elizabeth Hasselback's incessant overhsharing.