
Chanson du Jour

A band from Scotland. I don't like some of their slower songs, but this one is pretty catchy. They have some weird music videos, too, but this one is pretty funny.

DIY by A Band Called Quinn


Chanson du Jour

I heard this song on a Matador Records cd that I bought years ago. Matador Records, of course, is the record label that Pavement was on for years and years. This band is also on the label, apparently. Good song + Good label + Japanese = I liked it immediately. And since we are wishing a big Happy Birthday to the editor of the blog today, I figured it was apropos to play this song.

Happy Birthday by Pizzicato Five


Chanson du Jour

While I have been gone there have been a few musicians that have really become big. Most of them are garbage. A few of them have songs worth listening to. Here are some ascending musicians of the past couple years.

The Cave by Mumford & Sons

If you haven't heard this next song, you should really re-examine your life and what you do while in the car. It is played on literally every station except the oldies and country station here in Dallas. Top 40, lite rock, mix 102.9, the alternative station, the rock station....all of them. It is the most ubiquitous song of the past few months. Overplayed though it is, I still like it.

Pumped Up Kicks by Foster The People

Last time this next artist made it on this blog, I was criticized. The criticizer has since apologized for making fun of me when she herself discovered the greatness of this next artist. This artist has exploded on the scene in the past year with a new album that spent months at #1 in several countries and several big singles. I looked at getting concert tickets for her (but she can't stay on tour because of laryngitis issues) but the show was sold out with tickets selling for $350 a ticket. That puts her up with the big guns as far as ticket prices go. But, she is greatness. Just FYI this video has over 170,000,000 views on Youtube.

Rolling In The Deep by Adele

And last but not least, this band has also become pretty big over the past couple years.

Tighten Up by The Black Keys

There have been other bands that have exploded onto the scene in the last year like Cage the Elephant, but you lucky readers learned about that band from this blog long before they ever hit the radio. You are welcome.

Enjoy your turkey and football.

Copy Or Not?

To Whom It May Concern (all of my one reader):

Anonymous claimed that the yodeling cowboy song by Wylie and the Wild West borrows liberally from Me and Bobby McGee by Janis Joplin. You be the judge.

It took a while for me, but I heard it. It doesn't bother me too much.


The Expert


Chanson du Jour

Today's song is inspired by my wife who is downstairs listening to Pandora, discovering new music. You may recognize this song from the movie Moneyball. Anonymous, make sure Mrs. Anonymous hears this...I am pretty sure she liked this song.

The Show by Lenka

And no, this girl is NOT Billy Beane's daughter. She's Australian.


Chanson du Jour

If you are anything like me, when you hear the name Wylie Gustafson, you automatically think "oh yeah, the yodeling cowboy that sings the Yahoo! jingle". Yeah, I thought you knew that. Enjoy this rock/cowboy/yodel song.

Yodeling Fool by Wylie and The Wild West


Chanson du Jour

Who knew that Dr. House could sing? I did. He has a blues album, and it a'int half bad. Here he is on Jools.

Swanee River by Hugh Laurie


Chanson du Jour

This awesome band opened for Devotchka several months ago when we went to see them with the Smeltzers. They were pretty stinking awesome. I wish I could have caught their entire set. Everybody put your hands together for Fort Worth, TX's own Telegraph Canyon, performing at the local art museum.

Safe on the Outside by Telegraph Canyon


Chanson du Jour

This lady is on Jack Johnson's label. She is pretty solid.

Bitter Heart by Zee Avi


Chanson du Jour

A little underground rapper from Canada.

Rose Garden by Shad


Chanson du Jour

What the heck, let's keep posting songs. This is the band that will be opening for Radiohead this tour. March 5 in Dallas if anyone is interested.

For 12 by Other Lives