
Oh Internet, How We Love You

How great is the internet? We should really be thanking Al Gore for this cherished invention. It will most likely be his greatest invention until he develops that car he's been telling us about that runs on smiles, good intentions, and positive PR. In fact, one could say that the internet is the greatest thing that someone from the US has invented since the automobile (oops, Obama). It has really had a positive impact on everyone in all 60 states in America (double oops, Obama). But, I am glad that once the internet was invented the United States Inventors Alliance Corps didn't say "Mission Accomplished" (oops, Bush).

But, seriously. I wanted to quickly peruse the internet to find some nice pictures and have a little caption contest. I know that no one reads this blog, and of the 0 people that read it only 2 ever comment, but please enlighten us with your wit. I am interested to read captions on the following pics. Just identify the picture by number and put your caption. You don't have to do all of them, but just pick the ones you have a good caption for. This should be enjoyable and stress-free, until i blog makes fun of you with her unparalleled wit. I, the unwitty anti-blogger, will make my feeble attempts at captions, but please do not be too mean to me. I can't handle it.


If that dance doesn't draw rain, there is no hope for you Casper.


I don't know if you think this is cute or what, but if you don't put that camera down and take this thing off my head, so help me...


I wonder if I crack this thing into a skillet...with a little salt and pepper...hmmmmm...


I shoulda taken up bowling


Oh crap! Did I shut the garage door?


So, that's why they say "line dry only"


Young man, there's no need to feel down. I said young man, pick yourself off the ground...


Ann Geddes, eat your heart out


Well, St. Peter, I had to get the muffler fixed so I could pass inspection


But honestly, sir. Can you let me go now? I am here for the kids.


Anonymous said...

this was fun>

here goes:

1. "My mama said, life is like a box of chocolates"

2. "I'd like to scratch your eyes out!"

3. No, I was here first!, no, I was here first, no, I was....

4. Introducing the new UNDER ARMOUR model.

Do I have to bend over again?


I wonder what's our after game snack?

5. And I thought this was a good idea why?

6. Whiff!


"I'll bet the chicks in the stands just love a man of authority in uniform"


8. "If you could smell my diaper you'd have your nose buried in a smelly shoe too. Can we get clean up on aisle 3 please?"

9. "the next thing I knew....."

10. "I believed there were WMD's in Iraq too."

the hadzic clan said...

i'm no good at sports ones, but i'll give it my best/worst:

1. obama's top contenders for head of the EPA

2. in order to prevent further penalties/jail time, michael vick fashions protective gear for his next "pet project" - cat fights.

3. are you sure this is mine? it doesn't look a thing like me.

4. meet the fridge's distant cousin "sub-zero".

5. everyday i come here and sit on my head for these people. do you think ONCE they could put an apple on this pole?!?


i'm really gonna need braces after this.

6. did someone have an accident? cause i see skid marks!

7. budget cuts hit the LAPD - hard!

8. you'd pass out if you smelled this, too.

9. can someone grab me some more 2x4's? i need to jack up the other side, too.

10. don't feel bad, mr. president. most people don't believe in me, either.

jenfra said...

#1 Inter-racial relationship at its best, or open-cage day at the Aboriginal museum...
#4 I wish me Pa didnt make me wear this chastity belt while I was playing football.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Here are the ones I thought were the best.

Jenfra wins #1
Anonymous wins #4
i blog wins #6
I win #7 (it still makes me laugh to look at that picture and sing that song)

But that is just one man's opinion. I got a good hearty laugh out of all of these. Oh the places the mind takes us. Quite frightening.