
New Tetris Leader

Right after Christmas, the Tetris tourney had another lead change. In case you were not aware, Spencer Nelson has held the top score for almost two months now. He got to level 45 with 449 lines and 573,721 points. That has been taken down by 8.5 months pregnant Camille Jensen. Today, she scored 951,238 on level 60 with 590 lines.

She is anticipating Spencer will beat that in about 20 minutes from the time he reads this. But, once again, she is enjoying being number 1.


Spencer said...

Very, very impressive. I'm not sure if I'll be able to beat that anytime soon. I'll get to work on it though, congrats!

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

LEVEL 10!!!!!! 96 lines!!!!!! Tied my all-time high. Take that everyone. Kevin Jensen out.

the hadzic clan said...

well, kevin, that is more than i can do! i just blame it on my wireless keyboard not being "responsive" enough. still, i bow down to your superiority cami. i seriously doubt anyone will beat that! let me know when you start a bejeweled tourney. i think i might be quasi-competitive at that.

jenfra said...

Holy mackeral Cam! Sounds like you need a new hobby! J/k. Well I guess you will have a new "hobby" in a few weeks. How is the pregnancy going? Hope all is going well. We won't be able to come out this month, -too expensive for flights and also Phill has a test that weekend. Hopefully soon though! Kevin-pass the info onto cam....

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Cami got the message Jenfra. Just because she doesn't type anything on the blog and is utterly embarrassed by everything on it, does not mean she doesn't read it. She actually read the comment before I could. The pregnancy is going well. We are ready for Baby J to get here.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

I blog, it is hard to find a Bejeweled game that is playable online. The ones that I have seen require you to download the game. Am I missing something? Cami and I are always up for learning a new game