
Chanson du Jour

We continue the week of songs I don't like with a rather recent band. With all the buzz and comparisons this band received, I thought I was going to have a new favorite on my hands. But, every single one of their songs is just absolutely unlistenable. If you are looking for a new method of causing your ears to bleed (i.e. if the old methods of listening to Keith Olbermann, Bill Maher, Chuck Norris, Obama, Cheney, Skip Balis, Jim Rome, or that annoying guy from PTI just aren't working anymore), please take a listen to this beating.

Please suffer through the rectal exam that is The Racing Rats by The Editors


the hadzic clan said...

sounds like the killers to me...

at least with a colonoscopy, you get administered versed so that you don't remember the event later.

when i was in school, i had to observe a colonoscopy. the doc's name was Dr. Puff (no lie). a real jerk. didn't even acknowledge my presence. then he decided to get cute and give me a pop quiz on what part of the lower GI we were looking at... he was shocked/annoyed that i knew the right answer (duodenum). the nurse i was shadowing got a good laugh. he just went back to ignoring me.

now, after i've type all that, something tells me i've told this story before. better lay of the versed...

Anonymous said...

Well, I didn't like that song, but I would not compare it to a rectal exam.

And LM, I can tell the colonoscopy observation was a traumatic experience for you and I am glad you could get that off your chest by sharing it with us.

You medical nerds (KJ and LM) are just freaks sometimes.