
Sir Rowan Atkinson

Those of us with discerning palates will recognize Rowan Atkinson from his Mr. Bean character that would appear about 11:30pm on PBS. Greatness, indeed. But, many people do not know that Rowan Atkinson, much unlike his most famous character, talks. And when he talks, he is funnier than just about anyone alive. Here is a funny sketch with another genius, Monty Python's John Cleese.

Because we are keeping this blog G-rated, I cannot show you one of Sir Atkinson's funnier skits, but for those of you in a PG sort of mood can, of your own volition and under no coercion from the blogger or those associated with such enterprises, view a very funny skit from his standup routine. Those of you thinking that the prior skit had a violent ending not worthy of a G rating, I will refer you to Disney's Bambi, which is both violent and G-rated. And while there is no evidence that Rowan Atkinson has officially been knighted, we will still call him Sir and assume that the Royal family is just behind in their procedures. I mean, Elton John was knighted for Pete's sake! Why shouldn't Rowan?

Sticking with the British humor theme, here is some classic Monty Python's Flying Circus for you. I cannot stop laughing every time I see this. Enjoy the Silly Olympiad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I personally found the clips to be absolutely funny and fairly unique. With all due respect to other comedians I would say at this moment in time I could watch Sir. Atkinson clips 24/7. Thanks for putting this on your blog, it's not really rocket science but very funny stuff indeed.