
Tonight We're Gonna Party Like It's 1969

Cami had a marketing meeting with a Google rep the other day and he gave her a Google lava lamp. This has taken us way back to our younger days when times were much simpler and movies were much cheaper.

Watching the wax heat up, float to the top, cool off, sink to the bottom and repeat again reminds us of 1969 and the times we had like...

1) Woodstock - oh the times we had. Love that Jimi Hendrix Experience
2) Apollo 11 - One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind
3) Non-Proliferation Agreement - what happened to that agreement Vladimir?
4) The First 747 flight - still never been on a 747 so I don't care about this
5) War Between Honduras and El Salvador - because of a soccer game? Really?
6) Okinawa was returned to the Japanese from America - "Don't touch my mustache" Premier Sato

This trip down memory lane has been very therapeutic for Cami and me. Hopefully 2009 will be as good to us as 1969 was.

1 comment:

the hadzic clan said...

and let us not forget, the awesomeness that is me came to fruition in 1969.