
Chanson du Jour

Here is a great tune by one of the greatest bands ever, Radiohead. This is a band I have liked for quite a while and am very fortunate to have a father who likes the band just as much as I do (isn't that right, dad?).


Anonymous said...

I am the father spoken of in Kevin's blog about the radio head song. I think you will agree with me after watching the video that we were a little sad when the car caught on fire at the end and was ready to explode, but sadly the band was not inside.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

I am glad to announce that no Thom Yorke's were harmed in the making of this video

jenfra said...

Karma Police is classic radiohead, ton chanson du jour est tres bien. (Your song of the day is very good)

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Merci mademouselle Francom