
Songs Of The Day

In case you ever wondered where these songs of the day come from, I will tell you. I frequent a few places to hear about bands I have never heard of. They are in descending order...

1) Itunes - if you don't go here to hear about new bands or bands you have never heard of you are crazy. They have the genius, recommendations, and albums that others have bought that are all majorly useful

2) Metacritic.com - this lists the albums coming out each week. If they look interesting, I take note and check them out.

3) Pandora.com - Everyone knows about this place now, but they play songs that are similar to ones you set up. It's not nearly as efficient as the others though because you can only forward through so many songs per hour. But, it is pretty good.

4) Youtube - on the side column there are videos from other bands that are similar to the one you are watching or on the same label or have the same lead singer, etc.

You go to these places enough and you end up with this: (Click to Enlarge)

This is one of 5 pages just like this that I have. I keep a running list of over 100 bands that I want to check out. If they are no good, they get crossed off the list. It's actually a physical list in a notebook that goes with me everywhere (actually, it just stays in my backpack). This is actually the page I am currently on, so you all have a sneak peek at the upcoming songs of the day. In the left column you will see Fanfarlo, Kings of Convenience, and Tunng. The last three songs of the day. You now know what is coming up. But, you will still be surprised. Maybe.

Anyways. That is how this magic happens. Any questions? Direct them somewhere else.

Blogger out.


the hadzic clan said...

glad to see medical school is teaching you how to write (illegibly) like a doctor

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

It might be the only thing I retained from the first year...

Phill said...

So there is a method to the madness. I just figured it was always just a knee-jerk decision of the day.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Method? Yes. Madness? Usually. Knee-jerk decisions of the day? Constantly. I hope I didn't ruin the magic for you Phill.

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