
Chanson du Jour

Another guaranteed flogging for Anonymous. I have to be in the right mood, but sometimes I really like this kind of stuff.

Why Must It Always Be This Way by Choir Of Young Believers


Anonymous said...

that wasn't a total beating. I can see when one is in a certain mood (contemplating suicide) that such music would be enjoyable. a couple of questions though..... why did the guy have electrical tape on his guitar for a strap? and why did he wear the left headphone on his right ear?

the hadzic clan said...

i likey... very neil youngish.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Glad you liked it hadzic clan, because let's be honest, I stopped caring what Anonymous thinks a long time ago. But, Anonymous, you do bring up a valid question about the headphones. I don't know the answer to that. Maybe the musically inclined hadzic clan can shed some light on that subject.

the hadzic clan said...

genius doesn't follow rules... but i don't know what this dude's excuse is... he must've been high.