
Chanson du Jour

We will continue Stake Dance Week with another fast one. I was never much into The Beatles growing up. Little did I know that I would marry the biggest Beatles maniac in the world. Luckily, I was able to salvage the relationship and come up with a song of theirs I knew, thanks to the stake dances. Here she is; the song that got me married...

Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da
by The Beatles

And yes, I am a big Beatles fan now. Thanks Cami.


Phill said...

The Beatles, Nice! I checked out after I knew you were doing a week of Radiohead. Had I known Cami was going to post good songs to relieve the pain for your dad and I, I would have checked in more often. But now you are going the right direction...

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Thank you for the compliment Phillip. I'm offended at the Radiohead slam, though. Well, I'm over it.

Anonymous said...

There you have it: The Greatest Musical Group of all time. It is amazing how "timeless" their music is. Still listenable 40 years later. Radiohead is on the clock.

jenfra said...

I guess you have a more exquisite taste in music to really appreciate Radiohead. Good Beatles choice...did you know that John Lennon was shot and died on the day that Phillip was born....trivia peeps take that.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

Excellent trivia. I already used it on Cami (before she could read the comment, of course)

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

I love it! Thanks for posting some Beatles! Loved the scenes from Help! and A Hard Day's Night. Way to go, honey! This is a wonderful Stake Dance song, Anonymous!

Your Beatles Fanatic