
From The Liberal Menace To Anonymous, With Love

Well, Anonymous, The Liberal Menace was a little disturbed you did not like the great Cake songs and has offered this as a peace offering. No exciting video, just the song. A Bread cover. The Guitar Man by Cake


Anonymous said...

Dear L.M. I can honestly say I liked the cake version of that song better than the bread original. Nice going!

the hadzic clan said...

whew! so glad you liked this. and thanks, anti-blog, for letting me taint your impeccable chanson selections with my humble offerings. this week has flown by so fast, and i am glad it has been so well received. except for now, that is... let's go out with a BANG, shall we?

vendredi de la chanson (aka freaky friday)

Q: what do you get when terry gilliam directs johnny depp and benicio del toro in a movie based on a book written by the legendary hunter s. thompson?

A: an okay movie with a mind blowing insanely great soundtrack which contains one of the best cover versions of a song - EVER!!!

please enjoy "viva las vegas" by the dead kennedys

(too bad i didn't stumble across their take on "rawhide", with an all midget casted video, earlier in the week, that would have been a great monday bonus bit - it's freaktastic!)

anti-blog: if you think it's unpostable, then i guess you could substitute "take the skinheads bowling" by camper van beethoven.

anonymous: if, after this, i have to redeem myself in your eyes... i'd probably do it with the paranoid ramblings of jem in "they"

FYI: all of this could have been avoided if greg pritchard's audition on britain's got talent were embeddable.

hope your time comes soon anonymous, looking forward to a week of eagles and little river band.