
Chanson du Jour

Just for Anonymous. Hope you like this one. Sweet Thing by Van Morrison


Anonymous said...

I can honestly say I have never enjoyed a performer who sings with marbles in his mouth as much as I did V.M. Seriously, the guy is great and on my bucket list is attending one of his concerts someday. Thanks anti-blogger for posting this, even though you say mean things about me.

Kevin and Camille Jensen said...

This guy is the poster child for Got Milk commercials. All that peanut butter in his mouth and nothing he can do about it

the hadzic clan said...

just proves that it's not WHAT you say but HOW you say it. say something unintelligible and people think it's profound and consider you a genius.

but hey... it worked for bob dylan and eddie vedder, too! and now rob pattinson has hopped on that train.

and oddly enough, i love all of the aforementioned... maybe my brain is scrambled just enough to "get" their music?